We were to fly New York to Detroit, then to Moline, where my mom would pick us up. Got to the airport early, printed out our tickets, checked Renee's bag, got on the plane. Some people were turned away because it was overbooked. I was actually like two rows behind her, but confused and convinced passengers to switch. There was a mechanical issue with a fueling vehicle I guess, so we had to sit there for an hour or so. We arrived in Detroit with just enough time to have made our second flight, but there was no one coming to the gate for our arrival, so we sat around again, missing our connecting flight.
We were issued another ticket to Moline, and had a couple hours to wait before we were to leave, so we went and ate in the airport, and killed some time walking around. just as we were supposed to leave, we were directed to another gate, where, though the monitors still said the Moline flight was on time, but the announcements stated that said gate was still waiting on a flight to leave before our flight could even come in and go. And the flight waiting to leave was still delayed.
Then we were moved to another gate again, and told that the flight wouldn't be for at least another two hours, so we went to kill some more time. There were periodic announcements reminding us that we couldn't smoke, save designated areas, and it was making me want one, bad, so I decided to investigate the locations available, which were two sports bars, so we picked one and both got a drink as well. The cool part was that we got to walk through a huge light showy musical hallway several times.
We made it back to our currently assigned gate and were told to move to another one yet again. Finally, the flight was actually there, and we got on around 10pm, having supposed to have landed in Moline around 4.
We sat and waited for takeoff clearance for an unknown annoying amount of time, and when we got to our destination, Renee was told her bag wasn't there and she should contact this number they would mail it. We got into Moline to meet my waiting parents at around 11, I think (having lost an hour in changing timezones). As of today (the next day), they don't know where Renee's bag is.
Beginning this post I'm listening to Tool with my mom, having just had a strange conversation about physics, math, evolution, creation, and et cetera. She has since gone to bed, and, not having any luck in finding a friend who is actually around tonight, I suppose I will too.
Happy birthday.