
RAM came in the mail today. Looking for the board, CPU, and SSD on Friday.

I want one of these shirts. But I also want a lab coat. I have now for quite some time. Eight years.

Toy Story 3 3D was phenomenal. My throat had laughs and my eyes had tears and my brain was in wonder.
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is pretty sweet so far.
But I immediately looked up his shirt and then got distracted by 50 other shirts that I want.
I think I'm gonna invest in a tshirt overhaul.


..brb learning more about Marten van Buren...


There's no time to fuck around.

Stop being stoned, Mary!

This is my computer. I've been obsessing over it for over a year and changed the specs August million times. But I'm getting this setup for real. It's gonna be my birthday gosh damnit.

Silverstone Raven R02 90 degree mount 3x180mm bottom intake; 700/1000rpm, 18/27dBA
1x120mm top exhaust; 950rpm, 18dBA; directly above CPU/RAM
Rocketfish 900W/1000W Peak Modular Vertical PSU mount intakes directly out the back w/ top exhaust
Cooler Master Hyper N520 CPU Cooler; 2x92mm 1800rpm, 19dBA
Intel DX58SO
Intel i7 940 2.93GHz Crucial 6GB DDR3 XFX Radeon HD 5770 Intel X25-M 80GB WD Green 2TB
Bloomfield Quad Core 3x2GB 1GB 128-bit GDDR5 Windows 7 x64 WD Green 1.5TB
4x256MB L2 Cache 1066 PC3 8500 1xHDMI; 1xDP; 2xDVI OSX Snow Leopard WD Green 1.5TB
8MB L3 Cache Cas Latency 7 2560x1600 Max Res Read 250MB/s WD Green 1TB
QPI 4.8 MT/s Triple Channel 7.1 sound over HDMI Write 70MB/s

All is either in my case or on order, except for the new case, and the Cooler Master heatsink. I've painstakingly gone over the specs to get the most compatible main components, and I'm sick of it. I can't wait to put this thing together haphazardly, so I can take it apart again and build it into the case with the cooling and features I want.
As excited as I am about the new hardware, this fucking case gave me goosebumps after I decided to see what was available today and became sorely disappointed with sizes pricing and features over and over, and started wishing I could design my own case-- then I found it. I am in love with it for every reason, and here's why...

Front does not have a god damn door. Front is flush and clean looking. There are no exuberant lights. In fact all of it is pretty well flush and clean looking. Doesn't look like a god damn LEGO UFO had sex with a Trapper Keeper. Side panel does not have a god damn "CPU" fan that does nothing except grind on its own dangling cables that cannot be managed because when you open the case they will pull on the motherboard. Side has a gigantic, simple square-shaped window, showing off the clean, open design. Inside has cable management features that will conceal the cables and actually get them out of the way of the massive airflow. Bottom has three biganquerous intake fans that cover all the internal components neatly, totally, and efficiently. Fans are complete with removable, washable dust filters. Three HDD mounts are just at the bottom and vertical, so that the front-most intake fan blows right across all of them. HDD bay can be pulled out the front. SSD mount is included and concealed. Back has nothing but PSU intake vent. Nothing. Motherboard mounts away from the back, flush to the top, and at a 90 degree angle from standard setups. Motherboard mount includes CPU access from underside for mounting cooling unit. Top has a huge vented cover that conceals all the external ports and attached cabling, and neatly puts them out one central location at the back top corner. Top exhaust is positioned directly above CPU, and otherwise provides August million percent better airflow design than pert'near anything I've seen. Top exhaust incorporates GPU, CPU, and PSU, and actually makes sense physically!

Observe... The placement of the graphics cards, the CPU heatsink, and PSU (black box on the right):

The CPU cooler I've chosen will compliment the airflow pattern perfectly, with a fat ass perpendicular heatsink design incorporating two fans that blow through it directly up to the case's top exhaust fan.

The only weird part about the case itself is going to be that it looks to be over 25" long. I may have to move some stuff around to put this guy under the TV, but that's totally going to be worth it. It will actually be an inch or two shorter in height, which I'm excited about. And I don't have a clue what my box weighs, but the new package will weigh a cool 50 pounds, collectively. Approximately.

Here are links to the hardware:
Case: Newegg
Cooler Master: Newegg
Board: Newegg
CPU: Newegg
RAM: Newegg
GPU: Newegg

By the way, I did order the RAM from Newegg, and plan to order the case and cooler likewise, but the SSD, board, and CPU came from a friend off Intel Retail Edge, and the rest of the hardware are from Best Buy. The Operating Systems are from the internets... Microsoft.com lol


I will not be shit!

So when I did these figures...
500, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 units, right?
I said, "Check this out.
Fuck this, man."
It's... I'm sorry for erasing that,
but it's

  • Intel BOXDX58SO
CPU Type Core i7 (LGA1366)
North Bridge Intel X58
South Bridge Intel ICH10R
Triple Channel
2 PCI Express 2.0 x16
1 PCI Express x4
2 PCI Express x1
1 PCI Slot
6 SATA 3Gb/s
Audio 8 Channels
LAN Chipset Intel 82567 10/100/1000Mbps
8 USB 2.0
2 eSATA 3Gb/s
S/PDIF Out 1 x Optical

And I will be using it for email and Word.


There is no one watching out for us.

Curiosity has fully overwhelmed me.
Life's practical concerns become but completely arbitrary.
This planet is rolling a dead world through space, if we don't disassociate ourselves from our habitual absurdity. Everything we know is contrived and ridiculous. Furthermore, whether or not there is a meaning to life, the general population is falling short of fulfilling their duties as conscious beings. If we have Purpose, we are collectively defeating it by busying ourselves with incessant fabrication and materialism.
The Cosmos is knowable, and I increasingly feel I must become part of the party that quest for experience.
I crave to strive for a chance to sense the world as the new leaders in technology do; to surpass their abilities and open doors for future explorers.

I shall have a task, to make an example in these wretched and unfruitful times.
Good idea? Of course it's a good idea!
Behold! I will look well, for it is my sacred task to seek this knowledge.
That is my purpose.
The Quest for the Holy Grail.
A blessing!
A blessing from the Lord!
God be praised!

I've finally decided, logically, I should do what suits me. It would be physically impossible to do otherwise.
Physics is way too broad a subject. I've waited for a moment when it would shift in one way or another to peak my interest in any particular field. Though every aspect of it still inspires me, I'm now leaning toward a very large pallet on the very small end of the spectrum in the way of physics degrees:

Particle Physics
Quantum Physics
Theoretical Philosophical Physics
Elecromagnetic Theory
Computer Programming

And with this information, I will...


And the cycle continues...

These impure thoughts
lead to soulless action
Furthered by the thoughts of a confused soul, a man with no release!
Furthered by his own thoughts...
Furthered by his own thoughts...

Slowing the rotation...

Slowing the rotation...

Slowing the rotation...

Slowing the rotation...

of the cogs and the gears.

Slowing, slowing...
A halting machine!
A haunting disease!
A man with no release!
The Number 12 Looks Like You - The Weekly Wars


Some fuckin' grapes.

Don't say I didn't warn you, bro. The Universe is mostly beige. That is, the Universe is mostly outside the spectrum of visible light, both infrared (microwave, radio) and ultraviolet (x-ray, gamma ray). There's no temperature in space, as space by definition is empty and matterless, and temperature by definition is an average energy of motion of particles in matter. Yet these are the measurements we primarily take of the Cosmos, in hopes of gaining some understanding of our origins. All of the light, though not visible by Human eye, is known to travel at the same speed, c, and every bit of technology constructed to observe the open sky is an extension of the eyes' seemingly insignificant sense, and a comparison with what we know about light's behavior over time. (Evolutionarily, there's good reason we only see during hours of sunlight, but that's eight other nines.)

How Science was made:

"In the beginning," there was either something, or nothing, but there was also physics, which is "always" calculating, and that requires mathematics, which are "constant," and this means nothing, considering "the beginning" could be the ordinary middle part of something else. Or, that nothing is what it seems in regards to our understanding of "time," which may in turn have no real meaning, rendering "the beginning," and, in fact, all of "the past" to be illusory patterns promising a "future" of nothing at all. That means something to me. Nothing can kill the Grimace. Deep Blue Something.

The atoms of all elements are built of hydrogen atoms, bound together, and presumably, have at one time been formed from hydrogen. The electrically neutral hydrogen atom contains a single positively-charged proton (composed of two up quarks and one down quark) and a single negatively-charged electron, bound to the nucleus by the Coulomb force.

For the first 400 hot millennia, atomic nuclei with no electrons: 90% hydrogen, most of the rest helium (which contains the same subatomic particles in different amounts, plus neutrons, which have no net electric charge and are composed of one up quark and two down quarks), and small amounts of Lithium, jiggled around in space. Upon cooling enough, and capturing electrons, thus becoming full atoms, the possibility of chemistry was born.

Molecules formed such as H2 and LiH formed in clouds of gas which brewed as the Universe grew and cooled more and more, allowing the particles to settle onto one another, the lower temperature meaning less/slower movement and calmer collisions. As the gravity of these clouds of particles grew large enough, stars formed, burning the elements as fuel until exhausting and exploding as it collapses from its own exaggerated gravity, creating heavier elements in their cores in the process. Astronomy was in the making.

These first generation stars burn until their cores collapse under the gravitational force, heating up more, fusing hydrogen and helium nuclei into carbon cores. Burning gives off energy to resist collapse under its own gravity, but after using up enough fuel in its core, it collapses yet again, producing enough heat to fuse the carbon into such popular films as: nitrogen, oxygen, sodium, magnesium, silicon, iron.

Fusing iron no longer gives off the energy needed to resist gravity; the process now consumes energy, collapsing the star once more, and now manufacturing a supernova, which explodes with enough energy to create even heavier atoms. The previous, lighter atoms, however, are now scattered and distributed to gas clouds, left to mingle and create relationships as more complex molecules as they cool. This time, however, the atoms present happen to be the simplest ingredients of life as we know it.

Gravity will build many carbon and silicon based molecules as the temperature continues to drop and particles are passing each other more slowly. Molecules such as CO and more H2, then H2O, CO2 form, and cooler and cooler clouds allow for larger and more complex molecules.

As soon as there is a dense enough center in the cloud, gravity forces the cool particles together into a star again, undoing all the chemical bonds in that area and forming yet again into a nuclear furnace. The outer regions of the cloud, however, may remain in their dusty states. But the matter that is close enough to the new star's gravity, yet far enough to escape consumption, swirls into a new solar system! While this excites me greatly, it means the possibility of Earth science was born. Bo-RING!

There are still existing molecules in the new solar system, as well as cool enough temperatures to continue building new ones. Planets and comets can form and continue to orbit their star, absorbing its light energy, while manufacturing abundant molecular structures. Amino acids, and therefore proteins (eventually) form. The possibility of biology is born.

The bigger the molecule, the more intricate its particle bonds. But each has its own pattern of light. We can now determine which part of where is made of what. We come to conclusions based on interactions and observations of...everything, over time, and we realize we are reasoning, and examining causality, and that therefore time must exist... or must it? ...Do we? ...and the possibility of philosophical logic is born.

inspired by Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries by Neil deGrasse Tyson
"I know that the molecules in my body are traceable to phenomena in the Cosmos.
That makes me want to grab people in the street, and say, 'have you heard this?!'"