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Not to copy my biggest fan, but I've got a beard adventure as well. At work, we try to hold competitions at least for the all holy Moustache March

I haven't trimmed this beard for, I'd say about six months now. I'm pretty sure I never shaved the chin since I've been in New York, which means he's been growning since June. He's like my birthday beard then. I can't lose the stache, I've had it for too long - over a year now. Though I have offed the ends into short and trim instead of exuberant curls like I had last year.

We'll see, though, what's in store for Just Grow It January, to build and play with a style in Fuzzy February, and I think I'll start up my sideburns again for Moustache March.

I had the sideburns going pretty long for a while, but cut them and I like them trim, though I do go back and miss the side fluff that I had.

I had a random guy at a fast food place, at one point in that sideburn era, strike up a conversation about my mohawk and tattoos, and he said, "the sideburns gotta go man, they're not coming in too well. "

So I quickly ended the conversation, letting him go off into the world, uninformed that he had a huge wad of snot hanging on his moustache.

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