
Every god damn day.


Merry crismas, fuckers.

(An old drawing I made roundabouts 2004)


What If

Maybe some type of possibility
could become a theory
be part of something

What if in the future
people just decided
no more leaders
fighting to control us?


What if?

I know you want it
Well we've come to start it
With you

What if in the future
people just united?

What if
life was
just an
made up
by you!

Some things don't seem right
Change is in sight
Some things are so wrong
Life lasts too long

I know you want it
Well we've come to start it
With you

Cog - What If


On the Origin of the Species

This is from Cesar Millan's How to Raise the Perfect Dog

...The moment her first (ever) puppy was born, Binky proved she was going to be a supermom. She appeared both fascinated and thrilled by her new infant, immediately licking her clean and biting off the umbilical cord as if she had done it a thousand times before...
...Binky's hydrocephalic (deformed head) puppy illustrates a fact that I believe humans very much need to understand--motherhood, for a dog, is not an emotional experience, it is an instinctual experience. Her hydrocephalic puppy was born dead, and Binky totally ignored it. She made no attempt to revive it or to clean it. Her only concern was delivering her living puppies and making sure they were safe and healthy.


RHES U.S. Monkey Repair Shop!!!

Comic Revelation!

When Pigs Fly
(click for full size)

I know what you're thinking... his snout looks like a flash drive.
The joke here is he becomes a computer virus.


ielol.exe: Internet LOL

in Old English, a period (.) was used to denote the end of a sentence.
in modern English, "lol" is used to end a sentence lol

SO my teacher's friend's friend or something
She was dogsitting one day
Shows up the first time, finds the dog dead on the floor, right?
how embarrassing
SO she's gotta pack the dog corpse up and take it to the vet so they can dispose of it or whatever
She can't find anything to fit it in, so she stuffs it in a freaking SUITCASE
She didn't have a car so she has to take the train through Chicago
oh mannnn
This guy helps her carry the case on and is like
"this is pretty heavy, what's in it?"
lady replies "just some computer things"
AHAHAHAHAHAHA HOW would you pawn that sort of thing???
Comment: True story.

Did I tell you about what my friend Joe did in auto shop?
He was working with an arc welder, and the welder tip got stuck to the metal.
He knew this was a bad thing, so he grabs a hammer and hits the metal to get the tip off.
Then when he pulls back, lightning arcs from the metal to the hammer.
The teacher notices this, and yells, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"
And Joe bellows, "I AM THOR!", brandishes the hammer, and shocks the fuck out of the guy next to him.

(meander) Newfoundland is like calling a place Untitled Document
(meander) i bet its the default name for discovered land
(meander) and they just clicked Ok
(meander) now all other countries have to start out as Newfoundland 2


Just for fun...

I wrote this to post for a girl on facebook, but I haven't updated this LET ALONE posted any comics lately, so:


Fuck is wrong with me?

So at first, Phil and I were in a club/bar/possible casino, ordering shot after shot and getting chased and yelled at by an angry bartender and various other staff. They were refusing to give us more drinks, and presumably trying to kick us out. I somehow weaseled my way behind the bar however, and disguised my voice, convincing the same bartender to prepare me two shots, which I promptly carried with me to the circular table that Phil was sitting at with a few other, inconsequential people.

We drank them, and they tasted like cake. Then Phil got out his brief case or laptop, not quite sure, and we continued with some project that I don't remember starting, but knew we had previously done work on it.

Apparently, the business we were working with was pretty much disabled by a computer virus infection, and we were calling office after office, on one of those brick cell phones from maybe early nineties or even late eighties... without being able to communicate this disaster, because, of course, everyone spoke some Asian dialect, with thick accents.

Anyway, we left our table, stumbling until we left the room, then became instantly sober as I recall, and found ourselves in a hallway lined with office and reception rooms. We stopped at several doors for assistance, but again and again... Asians.

Finally, a timid, but helpful-looking and cute (still Asian) girl, about our age, asked what we needed assistance with, and when we quickly explained our situation, she apologized in broken English, and I was looking her in the eye when she gave a very quick, mixed expression directly to me. No smile or frown, it was all in the eyes. It was of frustration, with just a hint of anger or disgust, but also a calming look, but even felt like a look of desperation and it seemed to be meant to be confusing. I read it as her blowing us off, unable to explain her end of the conversation, or perhaps even unable to understand our end. Then she turned, walking out the end of the hallway, mumbling something that was not at all our language. I realized just then that everyone we'd spoken with, over the phone, in the offices, etc. in regards to our dilemma, was giving us the same response, because I recognized the phonetic pattern in the last sentence she said. It was something like, "jo-ways justy ill-et..."

...This phrase circled in my thoughts for awhile, over and over, it felt like five minutes that it just processed, but it all happened in an instant, because she barely got one foot out the door, and had never stopped moving. I stopped her from exiting the door and pleaded that she explain herself in English, to which she looked me in the eye, repeated herself with the same identical expression in her eye. "Jo-ways justy ill-et," she again said, then shrugged, silently indicating something to the effect of "ya know," and said, "don't worry. It's just the internet."

At the same time I understood and didn't at all, and felt one of my very favorite emotions (from waking life, I can only explain it as epiphany realization) and I just said, "you know, you're fuckin' cute when you're angry," ... I grabbed her, and kissed her. It lasted maybe a minute or only thirty seconds. Time flew, and it was infinitely awkward, while still inviting and enjoyable. During this time, my problems seemed to be solved, and all other worries went elsewhere. The room was spinning, and all the walls, and people, including Phil, who was last seen right behind me, flew off into their respective three dimensional distances. She was definitely kissing back from the beginning, but in the end we both suddenly pulled back and vomited.

I woke up.


Windows over 9000, Day 1

Here's my first experience with Windows 7 on my own time. The new mspaint. It was scary at first, there are new buttons, which surprised me (mostly autoshapes and new fill options), but all I wanted to know is if I could use it the way I used to, which I can. I still, however, have a standalone copy of mspaint 2000 and XP.

I did a clean install, because I wanted to clean out my primary disk anyway. Windows updates found almost all my laptop drivers smoothly. Toshiba supports 7 on my model, and had a drivers and apps download waiting for me, which finished the process. You know, come to think of it, this was actually as easy a process as i thought my first time formatting would be. I expected some bumps... and having done countless upgrades already at work, I've seen a few. But not for me.

I grabbed the Google Chrome App data folder beforehand, and copied it over to the new install, and it was like I never stopped using it-- all my favorites, passwords, history, etc were there. way to go!

So anyways, I just wanted to post my new mspainting. :-)

Hopes, Wishes, Plans, Dreams...

During my dream last night, I did a lot of amazing shit. the only thing I can remember, however, was rappelling down the side of a giant cruise ship's hull, destination escape kayak.

I have seen and heard quite a bit about cruise ship vacations, and never really been interested in experiencing it myself.

I now want to do this.

What I WILL get for xmas, even if no one gets it FOR me.

From this comic (click the panels and read on)

and, as I've mentioned on here before,

xkcd "Science" shirt
From this comic.

That is all.


god damn it anyway

I think I want some more books, after reading quite a bit on Google Books, mostly getting into the first on this list...

Temple Grandin, Catherine Johnson:
Animals Make Us Human: Creating the Best Life for Animals
Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior
Richard Dawkins:
The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution
The Blind Watchmaker: Why The Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design

Here's something else I've been visiting and revisiting online:


Self Discovery Day

So today I was checking out some Google tools, most notably Google Sites and knol (a unit of knowledge - user submitted articles on whatever they know about). I decided to do a search for Crohn's on knol, and found:
"many patients mistakenly restrict dairy products and fruit and vegetables in their diet..." (most people who know me know that once diagnosed with Crohn's disease, I developed a self-diagnosed allergy to milk and pork (particularly sausage) products. (But I still eat pepperoni/cheese pizza like a motherfucker)

So then I looked up lactose intolerance on regular Google, and found on Wikipedia:

Lactose (also present when labels state lactoserum, whey, milk solids, modified milk ingredients, etc.) is a commercial food additive used for its texture, flavour and adhesive qualities, and is found in foods such as processed meats (sausages/hot dogs) etc.

...So I thought to have found an explanation about the sausage, but what about cheese?

all all all---alright!

Fermentation and higher fat content contribute to lesser amounts of lactose in many cheese products. Also, I eat yogurt without issue normally, and found that, "sour cream and ice cream, like yogurt, if made the traditional way, may be tolerable, but most modern brands add milk solids." (Which must be why I can't has ice cream.)

Fun with science!


Some more StumbleUpon, and philly meanderings...


The Three Wills to Life:
logos: meaning
macht: power
hedon: pleasure

time is relative
physics is always calculating
information has no inherent meaning
life is absurd

When the lights go down in the city
and the sun shines on the bay
do I wanna be there in my city?

Some Fun Things I Bought!

Two books:
The Flying Circus of Physics by Jearl Walker
Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

Five DVDs/sets:
The Universe: Complete Season Three
NOVA: Origins with Neil deGrasse Tyson
Richard Dawkins: Growing Up in the Universe
Stephen Hawking's Universe
Stephen Hawking - God, The Universe, and Everything Else / Carl Sagan

and, since Phil and I just bought a ps3, a Bluray:
Planet Earth: The Complete BBC Series


Dream Diary: 10.10.09

Woke up at 9, knowing I wasn't getting up.
Slept until 2 or so, sick from work, and from that, I don't remember anything by now.
Blew my nose a lot.
Looking at Chrome history, looks like I was online from 2:50 to 4:12, doing normal bullshit. Posting, dicking around on facebook talking to people.
Got sick of being in bed, made myself get into the cold from the nice warm covers.
Ate some chicken soup, a shot and a half of Nyquil, and some beef boulion, watching dull TV.
5:02 to 6:09 was spent in bed online again, this time looking to be entertained.
A link led me to 5 Ways To Hack Your Brain Into Awesomeness.
I looked more into Uberman sleep, and the home sensory deprivation hallucination trick, both of which I'd read about before. Also looked into lucid dreaming and dream diaries. +Started to get Nyquil-y.
I decided to give in and fall asleep for awhile, but as this did not happen, I got the strong urge to listen to The Oak Street Dixtane Vacancy, the CD a friend and I had recorded in highschool, consisting mostly of nonsense and noise. I had a copy two steps away and popped it in, unexpectedly laughing uncontrollably through pretty much the whole listen.
I decided I'd try to hallucinate. But I swear I'd remembered pink noise was more effective than white noise (see #4 in link).
At 6:53, I downloaded a pink noise loop, put on some headphones, and covered my face from the light.
The whole time, I wished I had a ping pong ball and a red light, and grew slightly bored and annoyed, but eventually saw drab, dark swirls and visuals. Very slight. I was concentrating on the sound, making out chanted words which kept changing with my thought pattern, but still boring. Then I let go of the concentration, almost thinking I would drift off to sleep, and had some visuals of a distant waterfall, an island, some bullshit, and I was starting to just drift from vague train of thought to another, but suddenly, and this started to happen periodically after this point, I would get an abrupt sensation. Not a visual or audio hallucination, but more of a, "you're not fucking thinking logically, stop right fucking now" sort of thing. Just happened in a flash, and I ignored it and kept tripping immediately every time.
Still, nothing was remarkably interesting.
I don't know how long I was listening to this stuff, but I eventually decided to go to sleep completely.
I don't remember falling asleep very quickly, but I suppose I could be wrong.
I woke up at about 10:30 and wrote this:

in realilizing that today was wednesday, i realized that i had not missed work after all--i had missed thanks giving with thte family. which made me consider: would i have felt decent enought to get out of bed after all, had i known it was family dinner, and not work that awaited me? i couldn't decide. so i finally went downstairs, and got a baggie of turkey meat that phil had from dinner. naturally, our families had merged to celebrate thte holiday.

carrying the bag of poultry, phil and i walked from muscatine, my grandmother's house, but with a different front deck, past all the businesses, conversing about various hiding spots in parking lots, to wilton, to the old house to eat a late supper with my parents. i took off my socks at the door and floated head first to tthe kitchen, emptying my bag of meat onto a plate that waited on the table, my parents sitting waiting to eat, each with a plate ready. i had this nagging reminder keep telling me to go to the fridge to get side dishes and heat them up, and i could taste them already, but started eating my turkey anywayt. iit was warm from holding it all that way, but it was pretty tough and rubbery from the walk. tasted decent though, i suppose.


You've got to sell your tool.

Here's a car that I made. Or a computer. Or a case of energy drinks. Here's what you can do with it, and here's why you have to have one.

The vein I'm really thinking in- is the push to sell a product, but with what is flagrant inattention or apathy towards the complication of your profit. Trashing the earth. Enslaving the population. Standardizing inadequacy. Fuckin dollars.

And by this I mean: packaging methods for food products (for example. also consider personal transportation methods) is extravagantly wasteful, even destructive, but it's everyone's obvious benefit because it makes shopping for and keeping food (read as: living) totally convenient. Abundant. People are wholly willing to pay for this apparent luxury. In fact we've finally built a society structured to maintain, even mandate this. The forced addiction to new inventions is constantly expanding. I never had a personal computer, nor did my friends, pre-middle school, yet today I "help" clients who swear their poor bastard children will fail school if they have to go without their machine for a couple of days. Mom and Dad, are you forgetting what school was like? Do you remember that you too took notes, yet did not have a computer to do so? Do you remember marking a calender to remember dates, and how that was totally effective? There is a slim chance you ever thought this was hard or inadequate, or that your notes, work, calenders, contacts, music, photos, and blah blah blah had to be at your fingertips, at all times, and if you somehow lost them, someone owed you for your fault of not backing them up or taking care of them. Christ, you should be so lucky.

But what seriously bugs me, pollution and bratty addicts aside, is that we get used to using the tool, and should someone find a better way; should someone tweak and double effectiveness of a product; or should someone realize that since 300 million people, just in his country, were fuckin up the atmosphere, and he found a way to keep the tool and ditch the fuel, he might be assed out, because no one wants to change. Individuals cant afford switching to a new car, the government takes real convincing to even try to ease in the product over a decade, so they can regulate it, etc, and the companies who maintain and manufacture the old tools raise their canes for obvious reasons. Slave to the job, shackled to the dollar, using up the landscape on old technology.

I may be some fucking internet addict too, but this is why i have no interest in shit like Blackberries and iPhones, among other things. It's a waste of inventive power. It may make it more convenient, but I fail to see real benefit to humanity. I hate computers for the general population... which I service for a living. Because of this, I see that even though they cry out for immediate help, thinking they can't go without their junk, they don't need it. Don't even know how to use it in most cases. Of course, I'm happy to help, and willing to teach, but I'm there after all to make the company money. Not to change the subject- I work with a lot of tools literally and figuratively. And I love my job, and would hesitate to change it for a different scope of work, but man god, it's gonna feel good to quit.

On a lighter note, I'm off sick.


This makes me rage

Brain Chip May Help the Blind See

An aid in epilepsy, paralysis, and blindness, so says the article. Manipulate computers or prosthetic limbs with nothing but thought. Back up memories and/or thoughts to a physical hard drive. Call information from the internet by pondering it. This has unknowable potential.

And the first sentence of the article implies that our time shall have been spent more valuably finding ways to find and no doubt punish "terrorists." It's this kind of thinking, in my humblest of opinions, that is most likely to lead to the complete relinquishment of freedom. We could use it to correct and better ourselves and the quality of life, but would rather track every individual's behavior and even thought. Let's control their every nature; that should make them happy.

I'm not saying everyone should have the right (notice I didn't say choice) to do whatever they want with total disregard to their surroundings (notice I didn't say the law). Morals should be natural. Taught, certainly. Corrected, maybe. But not forced. Not so that every mundane thought and action is scrutinized, monitored for noncompliance to the almighty norm, hoping to force inaction due to fear. We'd have no spice. No art, no heroes... no release.

Maybe I'm paranoid. Maybe I'm sick of hearing about terrorism. Maybe I should be hunted.


Time for another Alphebetical List

from Yahoo! Answers. I'm going on a hunch that it will be interesting. here's hoping!

I'm going down the list of topics, choosing an appealing question, then listing the coolest answers. Relevance not considered. That's not what Yahoo! Answers is about!

A.) Arts & Humanities > Philosophy
What can we be certain of in life?
Death, Taxes, Uncertainty, Change, Numbers, That if we try to take the shortcut for homework assignments by asking others on Yahoo Answers we will suffer the consequences, The Eternal Triumph of Human Stupidity.

B.) Beauty & Style > Skin & Body
What Disney tattoo should I get?
Rule 34 (Disney character porn), Hakuna Matata, There's a snake in my boot!

C.) Cars & Transportation > Boats & Boating
What do you do once you buy a boat?
Buy a trailer, Throw your money away, Learn boating safety, Go boating, I'm On A BOAT!

D.) Dining Out > Fast Food
Why, WhY, O WHY do people think we fast food workers are stupid?
Mexicans don't speak English, You are rude, They are rude, People feel they're better than you, I appreciate you.

E.) Education & Reference > Homework Help
I need to stay up all night to do my home work. how do i do that?
Coffee, Nodoze, Sugar, Determination, Willpower, Redbull, Monster, Exercise, Chocolate, Pizza, Soda, No TV, Splash of water to the face, Adderall, Cold Shower, DON'T!

F.) Food & Drink > Beer, Wine, & Spirits
My parents went to bed. Should I get drunk??
By yourself?, Are you of age?, Wake them up and ask if it's ok, Go for it, YES, NO, DON'T!

G.) Games & Recreation > Video & Online Games
I'm 28 and addicted to video games. I need to find a substitute recreational activity. Suggestions?
Smoke weed, Play sports, Masturbate, Movies, Books, Get married, Wii, Drink, Learn an instrument, Buy a motorcycle

H.) Health > Mental Health
I need an excuse for cuts on my body? (I cut myself on my wrists legs ankles and thighs)
Climbing a tree, Thorn bush, Fell down in gym, The truth, You need help, Dog or cat, Bike, Here's an excuse: you crave attention, DON'T

L.) Local Businesses > US > NYC
How can a 13 year old girl make money? (to buy Sims 3)
Hooker, Lemonade stand, Whore, Sell gum, Wait a year, Sell your stuff, Street walker, Babysit, Walk dogs, Steal, Beg, Sell a kidney, Bake sale, Sims 3 sucks

N.) News & Events > Media & Journalism
Is Fox News a terrorist organisation?
You have no proof, Yes, No, Fox News sucks

P.) Politics & Government > Politics
If Humans didn't EVOLVE from Apes, then why do we still eat bananas?
My dog/cat eats bananas, They taste good, They are gross, People eat anything, Insects eat bananas, That has nothing to do with it, I don't eat bananas I use them for other things, Why do we eat fish/carrots/shrimp, To keep the illegals employed, ...Your line of reasoning is compelling to be sure. It is a known fact in the zoological community that all apes eat nothing but bananas. Donkey Kong eats nothing but bananas, Curious George: bananas. Have you ever seen a monkey NOT eating bananas? Me neither. It's time that these so called "religious" people recognize that evolution happened! The proof is right there: PEOPLE STILL EAT BANANAS! Quit turning a blind eye to the fact that monkeys transmogrified into humans BECAUSE of the mutating effects of bananas!

S.) Science & Mathematics > Mathematics
What is the number before Infinity?
Infinity - 1, Infinity isn't a number it's a concept, 437, 3, All numbers are zero to infinity, prefinity, The symbol for infinity is 8 so I'm guessing 7

T.) Travel > Air Travel
If a pregnant woman happens to give birth on an airplane, will the baby get a free tickets for his/her life?
No, They should, Pregnancy is not allowed on planes, It would not survive

Y.) Yahoo! Products > Yahoo! Answers
CLICK HERE NOW!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!? (what power would you have)
Invisibility, Time travel, Materialize money, Shoot spaghetti out of my fingers, Be made of rubber, Flight, Telekinesis, Shape shifting, Walking through walls, Be a pop star, Be god, automatically put everyone's question in the RIGHT category.......AND If it were me I would...Repost this question in the category- Entertainment and Music Sub category- Polls and Surveys

Whew! That was annoying.


I just took a quick shit.

For these shits, in knowing they will be, I have the perfect personal reading material, received as a gift almost a year ago at Christmas. Einstein in His Own Words. It's a small book, riddled with illustration, and mostly huge print. A quote, a note, some info, and then some more.

I am ever becoming slowly, yet so very rapidly intoxicated by it. I read it in very small doses, and it is enough, every time. Then I don't largely crave it, for it has no plot, yet I know it is always there for me, should I have to have a short sit.

It is profound for me to have just read, among other things, a telegram sent to Einstein by a Rabbi:

Do you believe in God? Stop. Prepaid reply in fifty words.

I go now to read more Alice in Wonderland.


Just a note to self

about my taste for Protest the Hero, who I'm listening to again now. It's annoying. This song I very much like though. Spoils.

Pic unrelated.


Regarding today's schedule:

I came in to work today at 10 when we opened. Todd was already on, I'm assuming since 7, and when 45 minutes had passed after I'd gotten there and two others hadn't shown up, he started calling the guys on the schedule. (Note here that he called me, not realizing that Richart Hart on the schedule referred to me, who he'd recognized as "Rich" for like a month.)

...So I look at the schedule afterwards, and just see that he's written next to one of our colleague's name/hours for today, "JAIL"


(Sidenote here, I'm not trying to badmouth anyone, dude who didn't know my name and dude who went to jail are both pretty cool co-workers. It is a misfortune. Just sayin. The note on the schedule was funny to read.)


lol read this crap

Well, I got monday evening off for the Converge show. Been listening to a lot of them, and found a weird ass band called Protest the Hero, which, if I remember right, has some awesome mathcore shredding melodies, with generally above mediocre to slightly annoying lyrical content, but then really pleasing female vocals sometimes. I suppose I like it. I have to listen to more Cave In, I know I like them. A lot.

Wednesday for game night, Phil and I wore silly hats. It must have been Sunday, we'd decided to have a look in the Halloween store when walking through the mall. I bought a monkey costume for Halloween, and a top hat for fun. Phil's going to order a man in the yellow hat costume. At the shop, he picked up--how do you call them--a fuzzy ass hat. The young lady working there was charming! We passed her later when leaving Red Lobster.

Oh, but the decision to go in the costume shop was a good one. It sparked a series of so many ridiculous events, as people wore newspaper hats and giant boxes with eye slits to walk with us to the store from game night. We had played Munchkin again, this time much more enjoyable when I understood wtf was going on.

Yesterday my boss asked me if he could get Service Pack 2 from Microsoft's website. I'm gonna add something to the last post.


Hopes and Dreams

Converge is touring, new album is due Oct 20th.
I'ma plan and see them at Gabe's the 28th of Sept.
Rammstein is working on a new album, with a peculiar single and video having been released.
Please know that as songs go, and even as Rammstein goes, I pretty much hate the new song and video for Pussy.
You have to watch the video though, and know that it inspired me to try and see them live again if they come around this way.
My reasoning being:
a.) thank god the other material is awesomer
b.) they're fucking retarded for doing this, and in being so, will put on an insane show
b.) they put on an insane show anyway


Game night, 9/16

Last night was a solid game night for me. We started out playing Munchkin, which is like a non rpg rpg dungeon card game, and where I was pretty totally lost at least until halfway through. Then, inspired by my interested remark having discovered their deck of Fluxx, we played several rounds of that. people started to leave or go to bed, but Phil, Tony and I stuck in for several more hands, then deciding to play a game of Powergrid, until somewhere around 3am. Pretty damn fun, though I'll say before explaining it that the explaination didn't seem a whole lot of enjoyable...

Choose either side of the playing board: Germany or America, and take turns bidding on power plants, and purchasing various respective raw materials (coal, oil, free wind, garbage, nuke) required to power them, and then plot cities to build them on, earning your money mased on how many of your cities you can power each round. When someone gets to 17 cities, the one who can power the highest number of cities that round wins.




on MMOs

Issue 16 went live on CoH apparently... I logged in to move my badger from one logoff spot to another, knowing he'd have been logged off for long enough to've earned the latest day job badge I'd been working on. I got seven unexpected badges, things I hoped to farm for that had their requirements nerfed (the 1000 pillboxes I'd mentioned a couple posts ago became 100 just)... I don't know if there's much reason to suspect I'll be playing CoH anymore any time soon... The focus on the new update was fuckin basically color customizable powers. No new content. CO is gripping me though. Despite no obvious hook as far as endgame or replay, it's very addicting for now... but I'm already 29 of 40... so as it goes, in a few months, I may or may not be done MMOing... should I go outside or


You know what doesn't seem to exist yet?

Bacon bed sheets. I can find any after a quick look online tonight, but I've decided I want some.


To do: Win

Alright, so I didn't want to title this post, "To Do: Graduate," but that's what it's about... I took a peek at some synonyms for the word, and "win" won. The runner up was "get out."

1. Finish Network Admin...

Seriously, I was one class away, and I'm still paying for it.

2. Go on...

I've been looking at Programming, because that's something I know I could do, even enjoy, and if I took it far enough, it could be something either important and impacting, or... video games! (Hell, I suppose it could be both.)

3. Halcyon...

Yeah, programming's been sort of an innate interest since my discovery of the concept, but lately, I've developed a half-obsession with Physics, I think even enough to really study and apply. But I've had a tough time justifying spending time and money in such a field, for lack of direction. What would I do with that? I couldn't know. Until I realized just now that I have been telling people I am interested in doing these things because I am.

4. And on...

So I sat down and drew out what I could actually do with these fancies in my life. The first obvious connection I made was that degrees in Physics and Programming could go hand-in-hand, as the logical structure of physics applies to coding.

And physics could apply broadly to engineering, math, and education, which somehow always felt like three things I could use as a safety net.

As I realize physics could tie in to Computer Science (Engineering), the possibilities expand: Not only could I develop software, but hardware... and not just building computers more efficiently (borrring), I could design, to put it simply, robots and shit. I'm thinking broadly: medical, research, and space exploration tools; and electricity-efficient products. Why not, I could be an inventor.

5. And on...

I'm still scared, though, because I'm interested in:
Theoretical, Nuclear, Atomic, Molecular, Astro, and Meta-physics.

So, in conclusion, I think my first step will be to track down and read The Flying Circus of Physics, which attempts to explain what physics has to do with anything.


Back From The Future: 1000 Pillboxes

I swear to god I'll get it, day by day, bit at a time, I'm not giving up now. I'll sacrifice as much Day Job logged off time as it takes in the next week or so. I'm at 762 as of tonight.


*pant pant pant*

I just spent over a grueling hour and a half setting up 5 CoH accounts each on my laptop and desktop.
Seven trial accounts, a friend's, and my own two, to get the last two Arena Badges and corresponding Accolade.

I am now officially ranked (tied for) seventh on Freedom server for holding 657 of 687 Badges.
Alls I gots to say is thanks you Devs for letting trials accounts join Arena events. >_+

That was some disgusting load time.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have 301 more pillboxes to take over.

I'll just leave this relic here...



August 4th, Renee, Phil and I will all have the day off, in which we will be moving her into her new place.
August 8th is our last day of work at the New York store.
Here are our new apartments (The Ridge).
August 16th will be our first day at the Iowa store.


something's life

Last day of work is Aug 8th.
Our car is broke.
I threw out my futon and some clothes.
We will live in Coralville and transfer to the Best Buy at the mall there two blocks away.
I was gonna walk to work but we have Renee's car.
I have slept on the floor.


We went to the mall.

Phil and I just spent over six hours building these, and haven't even started on the boat yet. We purposely mixed all the pieces together first.


k, I'm in Iowa.

So here's my travelling experience...

We were to fly New York to Detroit, then to Moline, where my mom would pick us up. Got to the airport early, printed out our tickets, checked Renee's bag, got on the plane. Some people were turned away because it was overbooked. I was actually like two rows behind her, but confused and convinced passengers to switch. There was a mechanical issue with a fueling vehicle I guess, so we had to sit there for an hour or so. We arrived in Detroit with just enough time to have made our second flight, but there was no one coming to the gate for our arrival, so we sat around again, missing our connecting flight.

We were issued another ticket to Moline, and had a couple hours to wait before we were to leave, so we went and ate in the airport, and killed some time walking around. just as we were supposed to leave, we were directed to another gate, where, though the monitors still said the Moline flight was on time, but the announcements stated that said gate was still waiting on a flight to leave before our flight could even come in and go. And the flight waiting to leave was still delayed.

Then we were moved to another gate again, and told that the flight wouldn't be for at least another two hours, so we went to kill some more time. There were periodic announcements reminding us that we couldn't smoke, save designated areas, and it was making me want one, bad, so I decided to investigate the locations available, which were two sports bars, so we picked one and both got a drink as well. The cool part was that we got to walk through a huge light showy musical hallway several times.

We made it back to our currently assigned gate and were told to move to another one yet again. Finally, the flight was actually there, and we got on around 10pm, having supposed to have landed in Moline around 4.

We sat and waited for takeoff clearance for an unknown annoying amount of time, and when we got to our destination, Renee was told her bag wasn't there and she should contact this number they would mail it. We got into Moline to meet my waiting parents at around 11, I think (having lost an hour in changing timezones). As of today (the next day), they don't know where Renee's bag is.

Beginning this post I'm listening to Tool with my mom, having just had a strange conversation about physics, math, evolution, creation, and et cetera. She has since gone to bed, and, not having any luck in finding a friend who is actually around tonight, I suppose I will too.

Happy birthday.


thats fucking amazing.

All around sweet discovery, but about 9:35, I lost my breath.


FML Chuck Norris made me do it

8am-8pm shift over, I am now sitting in my own sweat with an aching back and legs.

Mary-Kate and Ashley's birthday was yesterday, by the way. They turned 23.

I officially got June 25th-29th off to visit Iowa, an idea which sprung forth only last night.

Coffee did nothing this morning, but steak and burgers on the grill was an awesome lunch.

The title of this post represents a response a co-worker wrote on a write-up against him.

At the beginning of this post, my first thought for a google image search was nappy ass windmill. Here's what I got:

...I'll say.


Oh, Bob Saget!

So I've been feeling really annoyed and unmotivated, mostly about going to or being at work, but lately even playing my games or reading. Which is weird because I just bought The Sims 3, one of the most addicting games I've experienced.

The past two days were fucking suck. I have no desire to help an insignificant mongoloid who starts out a conversation complaining as if I came to his house and shit soup into his electronics, and then purposely paraded everyone else in line before him with their stupid problems so he would have to wait in utter disgust, as if he had something to do. What's worse is the apparent full moon trend. I am confident that people get angrier and less intelligent when it's full or at waning gibbous.

I did however, laugh as hard as I can remember as Phil and I constructed ridiculous stick figure scenarios in mspaint, which is twice as awesome on a 42" screen. In one scenario, we break the spirit of our hamster, Robot, jeering at how fat and useless of a human being he is.

I recently paid a giant lump of my student loans that were overdue in full so they stopped calling me, and finally set up auto payments so I wouldn't have to remember. at the same time, I also set up direct deposit. I noticed my first instance of such this morning. This pleases me.

Two weeks ago, I picked up two paychecks, which I often do, because I can't be bothered to retrieve them when my rent doesn't depend on it. One week ago, I was approached to pick up yet another paycheck, apparently left behind, which seriously confuses me, but certainly not enough to investigate, lest someone conclude it was a mistake.

I googled wretched beast.


About the tree...

I've been taking every once in awhile photos of it, but the damned thing's like half dead in the branches.

I'm gonna have like seven fuckin eggos. Them shits are the licious!


Fuck it let's post daily

I got a lot of shit today.
rcarhar.net expired.
I shaved the rest of my head.
Going to bed now, after sadly watching the last episode of The Universe, season 2.
I just looked up season 3 thou and turns out it was just released last Tuesday. Gonna buy that shit. Possibly even give in to the temptation of the package they're offering with the Planet Earth series.
Fuck yeah, growing up nerdily and watching primarily PBS.


Phil cut his hair short,

so did I. Excited to go to work tomorrow looking like this:



I didn't make a post like I wanted, but here's a substitute.

Renee's car is in the shop, so I had to take Phil to work at 7am and then Renee to class at 9am. Then I fell asleep on the couch doing crosswords, and woke up at like 2pm, ate a sandwich, showered, and picked up Phil, and we went to Renee's school to watch her (and her classmates') dance pieces. I bought razor blades. We had chicken parmesan.



oh god its moving

...ok day after tomorrow, i make post times, .


Boom De Yata

FuuuuuuucI gotta start writing some blogs again huh? I've been taking photos and shit to put on here... and today was my day off... but uh


First things first.

k I haven't made a post for exactly a month. This timely post is just a coincidence though. Work has been long and hectic, and life has been (etc).

Let's give you a teaser. Real posts to come.

This is the latest photo I'd taken of myself, last night when I saw my devilish features in the mirror:

I wasn't scared by my reflection. It delighted me, but I thought I needed a pitchfork. So I got carried away and grabbed an alien fork and the camera.
Here's a drawring or two I made today. I had tattoos on the brain:

Oh yeah...
Æ’(x)=1/x is a mathematical singularity, where zero gives ±∞.
Pi is pi.
Fox is smoking.


Serenity Prayer

Man, life for everyone would be way freakin easier if people would just chill the fuck out ...about everything.

Moving around the country is a real eye opener for me. Especially coming from laid back, do what you gotta do California, directly to do whatever I want for free because I'm an asshole and you don't want to deal with me New York... Everyone is so unhappy here compared to what is ideal, whereas California was a much better environment on the mood, though in both places it's often only skin deep.

When I was younger, I learned to never give a shit about what I thought I wanted. Either I'd get it in due time, or I'd want something totally different soon anyway, so no sense in stressing over any single event. What I wanted most became peace of mind. Life became eventually easier when I actively stopped myself from dwelling on the agitations and bullshit from life. Drama escaped me, serenity emerged.

I've posted this chart before, this time again to reiterate the importance of just letting go of whatever you may think is so consuming at any given time - serenity and elation are the real ultimate goals. Not material items; not success in events; not whatever. Those are all just temporary desires.

Having personally gone through periods of marked, diagnosed anxiety and depression, I can say that molding my own point of view has become the easiest, and most effective combatant. Not drugs; not counseling; not even affection. Those are all just temporary fixes. Getting to the point where I realized that, and being willing to do it however, was the hard part - and I don't think I can coherently explain how I did. It just clicked at one point.

What I always try to remember is a variation of the Serenity Prayer, something I had heard countless times when I was younger, and took as nothing but a cliched verse. Here are three variations to put the concept into perspective:

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

For every ailment under the sun
There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it;
If there be none, never mind it.

If you don't like what's going down
You need to change something round;
And what you can't change
You've got to change the way you thought about.

Just be broad and genuine about what you want. You get it or you don't. Your mind moves toward something else. If something you don't want is fuckin up your style, get away from it, or treat it in a different way, but don't just complain about it. Either it will go away, or you will finish minding it.

My blog lately has been an obsession over major material things that I'd planned on getting. I didn't follow through. I'm not devastated. In the past I would have been, and I know too many who would consider a broken dream almost irrecoverable in the time being. Chill the fuck out.


I did not buy PC parts.

I bought these:

LG - 42" 1080p 120Hz Flat-Panel LCD HDTV
Regular price $1500
Best Buy end of life price on a six month old display model (without remote) being replaced by the newest model, with four year service plan, seperate HDMI cable, component cables, and HDMI/DVI adapter, total price $650

Panasonic - 1000W 5.1-Channel Home Theater System with 5-Disc Upconvert DVD Player - Black
Regular price $415
Circuit City going out of business sale price $300

-Like holy shit.

Also, :


To do:

  1. Count farmable spawns in BM and Freak Missions, and further my statistics for each, in reguards to reward vs. time spent. - 27 vs. 59, average
  2. Take inventory of Badges needed for remaining Accolades for Dime.
  3. Move SirWhittock tomorrow afternoon. He should get his Day Job Badges for his current location.
  4. Tomorrow is payday. Pick up your fucking check. Investigate it for discrepancy rectification. Still out one week worth of pay difference between my old wage and raise.
  5. Buy this NIC if we have it in the store, as newegg has been out of stock for too long. Found it in the Norwalk, CT store:
    D-Link DWA-556 PCI Express Xtreme Desktop Adapter
    D-Link DWA-556 PCI Express Xtreme Desktop Adapter
  6. Deposit paycheck. See next blog.
  7. Order shipment 1 compilation from newegg as soon as the check goes through:
    Western Digital VelociRaptor WD1500HLFS 150GB 10000 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive (bare drive)
    Western Digital VelociRaptor WD1500HLFS 150GB 10000 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive
  8. Antec TruePower Quattro TPQ-1000 1000W ATX12V / EPS12V SLI Certified CrossFire Ready 80 PLUS Certified  Active PFC Power Supply
    Antec TruePower Quattro TPQ-1000 1000W ATX12V / EPS12V SLI Certified CrossFire Ready 80 PLUS Certified Active PFC Power Supply
    Thermaltake A2016 80mm Blue LED Case Fan
    Thermaltake A2016 80mm Blue LED Case Fan
    Thermaltake A2018 120mm Blue LED Case Fan
    Thermaltake A2018 120mm Blue LED Case Fan (x2)
    Thermaltake XCONTROLLER 5.25" Drive Bay Kits - Fan Controller w/ LED Light
    Thermaltake XCONTROLLER 5.25" Drive Bay Kits - Fan Controller w/ LED Light
    Clean out Desktop PC in preparation to use the case for the new machine, transfer old parts into extra case.
  9. Find more comics to upload.
  10. Watch the remaining parts of To Die in Jeruselem on youtube.
  11. Charge the camera.
  12. Mill over the thought of finally making the purchase on Shipment 2 in due time:
    Intel BOXDX48BT2 LGA 775 Intel X48 ATX Intel Motherboard
    Intel BOXDX48BT2 LGA 775 Intel X48 ATX Intel Motherboard
  13. Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 Wolfdale 3.16GHz LGA 775 65W Dual-Core Processor Model BX80570E8500
    Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 Wolfdale 3.16GHz LGA 775 65W Dual-Core Processor
    CORSAIR XMS3 DHX 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Dual Channel Kit Desktop Memory Model TW3X4G1600C9DHX
    CORSAIR XMS3 DHX 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Dual Channel Kit Desktop Memory (X2)
    BFG Tech BFGEGTX2801024E GeForce GTX 280 1GB 512-bit GDDR3 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready SLI Supported Video Card
    BFG Tech BFGEGTX2801024E GeForce GTX 280 1GB 512-bit GDDR3 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready SLI Supported Video Card
    Thermaltake CL-P0370 92mm Enter CPU Cooler
    Thermaltake CL-P0370 92mm Enter CPU Cooler
    Arctic Silver 5 Thermal Compound
    Arctic Silver 5 Thermal Compound
    Drool over the monitor I'll get after all this:
    ASUS VW266H Black 25.5" 2ms(GTG) HDMI Widescreen LCD Monitor
    ASUS VW266H Black 25.5" 2ms(GTG) HDMI Widescreen LCD Monitor