
Dream Logic: An Arbitrary Idiosyncrasy

As Phil got me up, around 6:30, unexpectedly at the moment, I desperately tried to remember what was just on my mind just before I had regained consciousness. And I had plenty of time to continue to regroup my rested thoughts, until, on the slow drive to work because of a heavy night time snowfall, a loud and obnoxious burst of sludge hit the car as a truck passed us on the highway, jolting my level of awareness once again. (note: unshowered and unawake, I was riding in to drop him off, as I was to go in later this afternoon, before he got off today.)

Through all this, the only thing I can come up with of my thoughts, is a merging conglomerate of visual ideas, none of which I can untangle. The one clear concept I can pull from this, however, is my first thought process of the day after sleep, which was something similar to the following, an internal monologue, with sound clips noted in parenthesis:

The brain (Waiting)! What was just in mine? What did it have to do with anything? Does it matter? It must, if I want to know so bad. Then what did it have to do with? Dream logic. Was it just a random firing of nerve endings? Swing away (Signs). God does not play dice (Einstein). What is the main difference between logic and dream logic? Working memory in a computer is random access memory. What is the main difference between a machine's logic and mine? Do all organisms think like this? Do all organisms think? Are rocks, and/or molecules sentient? Does matter react to other matter and its environment through a certain level of internal decision? Am I really acting through a decision process? If everyone/thing has minds, are they all capable of being creative? The brain (Waiting)! Natural selection. We are here because of the ideas we and those before us had. Artificial selection. That's it, ideas are only human made. Are they? Is mutation really random? Is nature really creative through chance? God does not play dice (Einstein). Does a formula exist to explain this phenomenon? Are machines we've created going to gain sentience and overpower us? Do they already have sentience, but lack sense? This game is bullshit! Should be same set of rules for everyone (Big Daddy)! If I'm spouting off quotes in my mind, am I really capable of creative thought? Immortality (Dr. Michio Kaku, from an interview I watched last night or so). Death. Sleep. Thoughts.

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