
To do: Win

Alright, so I didn't want to title this post, "To Do: Graduate," but that's what it's about... I took a peek at some synonyms for the word, and "win" won. The runner up was "get out."

1. Finish Network Admin...

Seriously, I was one class away, and I'm still paying for it.

2. Go on...

I've been looking at Programming, because that's something I know I could do, even enjoy, and if I took it far enough, it could be something either important and impacting, or... video games! (Hell, I suppose it could be both.)

3. Halcyon...

Yeah, programming's been sort of an innate interest since my discovery of the concept, but lately, I've developed a half-obsession with Physics, I think even enough to really study and apply. But I've had a tough time justifying spending time and money in such a field, for lack of direction. What would I do with that? I couldn't know. Until I realized just now that I have been telling people I am interested in doing these things because I am.

4. And on...

So I sat down and drew out what I could actually do with these fancies in my life. The first obvious connection I made was that degrees in Physics and Programming could go hand-in-hand, as the logical structure of physics applies to coding.

And physics could apply broadly to engineering, math, and education, which somehow always felt like three things I could use as a safety net.

As I realize physics could tie in to Computer Science (Engineering), the possibilities expand: Not only could I develop software, but hardware... and not just building computers more efficiently (borrring), I could design, to put it simply, robots and shit. I'm thinking broadly: medical, research, and space exploration tools; and electricity-efficient products. Why not, I could be an inventor.

5. And on...

I'm still scared, though, because I'm interested in:
Theoretical, Nuclear, Atomic, Molecular, Astro, and Meta-physics.

So, in conclusion, I think my first step will be to track down and read The Flying Circus of Physics, which attempts to explain what physics has to do with anything.


Back From The Future: 1000 Pillboxes

I swear to god I'll get it, day by day, bit at a time, I'm not giving up now. I'll sacrifice as much Day Job logged off time as it takes in the next week or so. I'm at 762 as of tonight.


*pant pant pant*

I just spent over a grueling hour and a half setting up 5 CoH accounts each on my laptop and desktop.
Seven trial accounts, a friend's, and my own two, to get the last two Arena Badges and corresponding Accolade.

I am now officially ranked (tied for) seventh on Freedom server for holding 657 of 687 Badges.
Alls I gots to say is thanks you Devs for letting trials accounts join Arena events. >_+

That was some disgusting load time.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have 301 more pillboxes to take over.

I'll just leave this relic here...