
Compost Heap 2012

Some days come by and are gone in a flash
Actions speak louder than cash
Some of us stuck in a path
Can't do the math
We don't know the half
Eating their fish in a cab riding behind the almighty calf

Many have already have ruined our chance
Follow through with the masses
And shit in our pants
Dance in our shit
We shit in our hands
Acting out this shit has gone according to plans

But we're still free, when we need to be
Humans, not humanity
Just don't let anybody see
You plant the seed
We let it breed
The branches where we need to swing, the long forgotten family tree

Needs water to replenish it
Needs sunlight to begin again
Needs love needs attention
Needs to blossom
We provide them
To sprout, branch, bud, flower, leaf, fruit, seed, and stem.
