
Shilpa Shetty's Yoga 04 Standing Asanas

as a beginner, do not attempt to do more than one repetition for each particular asana
later, with practice, you can go to two or three repetitions per asana
but never more than that
Tadasana (with Finger-Lock) (The Palm Tree Pose)
standing upright
with your back straight
and a slight distance between your legs
lock the fingers of both hands
& raise them as one unit above your head
continue to try and reach upwards with your hands
breathe in
rise to your toes
breathe normally
hold the posture
feel the stretch through every section of your body
even through the top of your head
reverse the process on the exhale
& watch your breath
as it passes down from your head
through your chest and stomach, legs and feet
& then repeat
the focus here is on the straightness of the posture one holds
improving balance, self awareness, and breathing
Prishtasana - Simple
simple prishtasana
backward bending
this is a variation of the first of the standing postures
broaden your base by placing your feet about shoulder width apart
make sure you are comfortable and balanced
as you breathe in
place your arms on your waist
now bend backwards as far as you can
use the hands as support
be very careful not to over balance
& return to neutral position
although deceptively simple
this little excersize helps greatly in flexibility
conditioning the spine
& the spinal muscles
& in breathing better
it also prepares the body
for all standing asanas
Padahastasana (Forward Bending)
from the base position
with your feet apart again
raise your arms straight up
bend backwards slightly
as you exhale, allow yourself to bend forwards
starting first from the waist
then your neck
& finally your head
while bending, push your hips back slightly
touch your toes
it's ok to bend your knees if you're a beginner
breathe in
& return to the neutral position
this asana is excelent for the legs and knee joints
it helps in loosening abdominal fat
& increasing the supply of blood to the brain
these may seem like a very simple "keep fit" type exercize
but they really work
by now, you'll've also noticed
that the workout functions in a kind of widening cycle
adding new muscle groups
but it keeps working on most things simultaneously
Chakrasana Standing (The Wheel Pose - Lateral Bending)
standing chakrasana
the wheel pose
stand with your feet apart
& your hands by the side of your thighs
the fingers pointing downwards
then raise one arm to the side
perpendicular to the body
turn the palm over
now raise the arm straight up so that it is by the side of your head
stretch slightly
now lean to the opposite side as much as possible
until your body makes a smooth curve
do not bend the knees
do this while inhaling
pause and come back to a normal standing position
while exhaling
reverse for the other side
this is a good exercise for the spine
often correcting mild scoliosis
because of the lateral stretch to the spine, it combats the fat around the side of your waist
your "love handles"
and because it's not a common stretch for the muscles along your side
it's great for physical fitness
Vrikshasana (The Tree Pose)
while standing in tharasana
bend the right leg at the knee
raise the right thigh
and bring the sole of the right foot as high up the inside of the left thigh as possible
balancing on the left foot
join both palms together
and raise both arms over the head
keeping the elbows straight
hold the posture as long as you can
breathing gently through the nostrils
lower the arms and the right leg
and return to the base position
take a moment
& repeat with the opposite leg
the major challenge of vrikshasana
also meaning the tree pose
is maintaining your balance
yoga believes that the inability to balance oneself is a manifestation of a restless mind
the main benefits of this asana are increased powers of concentration
Natrajasana (Lord Shiva's Pose)
stand up straight
with your feet apart
& your arms by your sides
bring your left knee up off the ground
and fold the leg behind you
grasp your left foot with your left hand
while simultaneously extending the right arm out in front of you
find your balance
lift your left leg as high as possible using your left arm
you will need to lean forward in order to be able to do this
breathe gently
keep your gaze fixed slightly above the horizon
hold the asana as long as you can
then slowly return to standing position in reverse order
Natrajasana takes its name from one of the dancing postures of Lord Shiva
it helps improve your sense of balance and concentration
the arch formed by the back and stretched leg
aligns the vertebrae of the spine
restoring suppleness and easing strain brought on by poor posture
it tones the muscles of the thighs
and the lower body
Utkatasana (The Squat and Rise Posture)
stand up straight
your arms by your sides
your back straight
and looking straight in front of you
spread your legs so that they are shoulder width apart
and turn both your knees
so that the knees and the feet are facing outwards
lower yourself to the floor slightly by bending your knees
keeping your back straight
join your hands in a namaste
and extend your arms above your head as far as they will go
simultaneously lower yourself by bending your knees further
trying to bring your thighs parallel to the ground
and keep your back straight
hold for as long as is comfortable
& release the asana in reverse order
Utkatasana is hugely beneficial for the lower body
especially for women
it helps in regulating period
and in combating urinary tract infections
and regardless of gender
it's great for knee joints, the quadriceps, and the calves
it reduces fat deposits on the thighs
and around the waist
and tones the lower stomach
it's also marvelous for toning the butt
Veerbhadrasana (Variation) (The Warrior Pose)
spread your legs, until there's a distance of about four feet
turn your right foot about 90 degrees to the right
making sure the entire foot is on the floor at all times
turn your body to the right
make sure that the left foot remains in the same position, and doesn't turn with the right foot
this is a common mistake
bring both arms in front of you
join them in a namaste
raise your joined palms above your head
slowly bend the right knee until the thigh is parallel to the floor
ideally, the knee should be either behind or directly above your ankle
then while holding the posture
attempt to lean as far back as you can
remember to breathe
straighten up
bring your joined palms back down
repeat with the other leg
this is known as Veerbhadrasana, the warrior pose
it strengthens the legs
and the arms
as well as improving balance
and concentration


they see me rolling

my eyes/hips
my neck/back
my pussy/crack

anyways so here is a current upload of shilpa shetty's full yoga routine (00:41:11)

which i try to practice >= 5x / 7d

and here is a full upload of the dvd content (01:12:18)

i thought this shown favourable variations of many the same asanas and pranayam (00:34:24)


Ohne Dich

Daaaaaamn, know what I'm sayin

Ohne dich kann ich nicht sein
Ohne dich
Mit dir bin ich auch allein
Ohne dich
Ohne dich zähl ich die Stunden ohne dich
Mit dir stehen die Sekunden
Lohnen nicht ohne dich

Without you I cannot be
Without you
With you I am alone too
Without you
Without you I count the hours without you
With you the seconds stand still
They aren't worth it without you

Rammstein - Ohne Dich


An in-between thing

Rest us, rest us from the pain, if I ask
Ashamed cos a game keep playin' me wrong
Promise not to ever sing a damn 'nother song, until I realize who the fuck I am
A man out of sync with his own program
Trying to find some kind of inner link
Korn - Cameltoesis


Shilpa Shetty's Yoga 03 On The Stomach

as a beginner
do not attempt to do more than one repetition for each particular asana
later, with practice, you can go to 2 or 3 repetitions per asana, but never more than that.
lying on your stomach
legs straight
your feet resting easily
slightly apart
keep your arms by your sides
in neutral position
keep your head turned to one side
the crocodile pose
this is the relaxation pose for all excersizes performed on the stomach
lie (?) on the floor
and spread your legs wide
with the toes pointing outwards
and the heels pointing inwards
to touch the ground
bend your right elbow
& place your right palm in the crook of your left arm
in the same way
the left palm goes to the crook of the right arm
place your forehead on your arms
providing support for the neck
relaxation in this pose
is good for stress induced diseases
Ardha Shalabhasana (with one leg) (The Locust Pose)
in the base position on your stomach
slide your hands under your thighs
palms up
inhale slowly
& then raise the right leg off the floor
as high as possible
try and keep the leg straight
without bending the knee
or transferring weight onto the other leg
or by lifting the pelvic region off the ground
hold the posture for as long as you can hold the inhaled breath
& then slowly return the leg to the floor while exhaling
Ardha Shalabhasana helps in developing the quadriceps
& adds tone to the abdominal muscles
it stimulates the stomach
the lower back
& the intestines
helping strengthen the bladder
& stretching the spine
remove your hands from under your thighs
& place the arms alongside your body
turn your head to the side
& rest
Bhujangasana (The Cobra Pose) (Two Variations)
turn your head
so that your chin is on the ground
bring your arms to your side
close to your body
with your hands by your chest
bring your legs together
inhaling slowly
raise your head
hold this first position
your chest should be off the ground
but not excessively so
always remembering that your hands are there to provide support
avoid the temptation to transfer all your weight to the hands
return to the neutral position
for the slightly more advanced variant
start the same way
this time however
raise your head and chest
as high as it will go
keep your buttock muscles tight
to protect your lower back
your pelvis should remain on the floor
and then let yourself down gently
the cobra pose stretches the spine
strengthens the back and arms
& opens up the lungs
& thoracic cavity
it's great for the neck
Dhanurasana (The Bow Pose)
while on the stomach
place your chin on the floor
raise your legs
& bend your knees
bringing the legs closer to you
& reach back
grasping the right ankle with the right hand
& the left ankle with the left hand
slowly rise up
pulling your ankles up
& raising the thighs off the floor
while simultaneously raising your chest off the floor
hold the breath
the weight of your body should be resting solely on your abdomen
tilt your head as far back as possible
hold the pose for as long as you can comfortably hold your breath
slowly exhale
bring the knees to the floor
release the ankles
& slowly bring your legs & arms back onto the ground
The Dhanurasana, or The Bow Pose
because that is what you resemble in the final position
is considered to be one of the best postures in all of yoga
it helps keep an individual in great shape
it restores flexibility to the spine
regular practice will relieve lower back pain
& release tension & strain
in the upper back & neck area
the alternating stretching & releasing of the abdominal muscles
increases blood flow to this area
it's great for menstrual problems
& it's great for toning the thighs & the buttocks
Shavasana (The Corpse Posture)
return now to shavasana
for 30 seconds
allowing your body to relax completely

I'm so full of ideas!!!!!! ...and here's a good one...

I couldn't sleep this morning, though I'd never begun my rest last night. Anyway, I kept thinking of stuff and here's some of the imagery I couldn't ignore:

My psyche is made of LEGO bricks.
Some sets are built; some custom creations are on display; several projects and idle construction are in attendance; very many pieces are sorted away tidily; and an assembly of bricks upon plates upon mini-figs & roof slates lie jagged and tangled on every surface visible. I must be sure to watch my step in this place, but I feel confident that there are enough fragments accumulated here over the years for me to create. This confidence gently beams from my bust as I consider the inevitable additions & upgrades that I know I've never even dreamed, totally un-conceived.


Shilpa Shetty's Yoga 02 Back Asanas

  • NN
  • [Back Asanas]
    • Back asanas: as a beginner, don't attempt to do more than one repetition per each particular asana. 
    • Later, with practice, you can go to two, or three repititions per asana, but never more than that.
  • [Shavasana (Corpse Posture)]
    • Shavasana, or corpse posture:
      • lie on your back
        • feet together
          • & pointing outwards
        • arms by your side
      • close your eyes
      • breathe in deeply
      • increase the distance between your legs
        • feet still pointing outward
        • heels touching the ground
      • place your arms so that they are not in contact with any part of the body
        • palms facing upward
      • as you exhale, attempt to release all tension in the body
        • visualize your body
          • & consciously relax every part of it
    • You can practice this asana at any time.
    • More importantly, it completely rejuvenates the body.
    • The Shavasana is also the default relaxation posture for all exercises performed on the back.
    • Coupled with the Om recitation, it means that the body & the mind are ready for yoga.
    • As beginners, it makes sense to relax for about 10 seconds after every single posture.
  • Ardha Halasana (with one leg) - (The Half-Plough Posture)
    • Ardha Halasana, with one leg, the half-plough posture:
      • from Shavasana:
        • bring your legs together
        • & your arms to your sides
        • palms facing downward
      • start raising your right leg
        • without bending your leg at the knee
        • stretch your foot & your toes outward
      • raise the leg to a 90 degree angle from the body
        • & hold it there for as long as is comfortable
      • remember to keep breathing normally
      • slowly release & bring your leg back to the floor
      • repeat with the other leg
    • This is the Ardha Halasana, the half-plough posture, because the body resembles the plough in the final position.
    • It's excellent for:
      • the legs
      • the abdomen
      • & the lumbar region
    • it also tones:
      • the thighs
      • & the calves
    • it stretches out:
      • the hamstrings
      • & the hips
    • & increases blood flow to:
      • the kidneys
      • the pancreas
      • & the intestines

      • relax
      • breathe
      • give yourself 10 seconds in Shavasana
  • [utthanpadasana (The Raised Legs Pose)]
    • Utthanparasana, the raised legs pose:
      • from Shavasana:
        • bring your legs together
        • & your arms to your sides
        • place your palms under your hips
      • start raising both your legs
        • without bending them at the knee
        • stop at 30 degrees from the floor
          • & hold for five breaths
        • similarly, stop at 60 degrees
        • & finally at 90 degrees from the floor
          • hold for five breaths each time
      • slowly release
        • stopping at both:
          • the 60
          • & 30 degree mark
      • remember to keep breathing
    •  Utthanparasana is very effective for the entire abdomen.
    • It stretches out
      • the thoracic cavity
      • & the entire back.
  • [Ardha Pawanmuktasana (with one leg) (The Leg Lock Pose)]
    • Ardha Pawanmuktasana, with one leg, the leg lock pose:
      • from Shavasana:
        • bring your legs together
        • & your arms to your sides
      • bend the right leg at the knee
      • bring your thigh as close to your abdomen as possible
      • bring both arms around the right leg
        • locking your fingers
          • just below the knee joint
      • the other leg remains
        • straight
        • still on the ground
      • keep the foot relaxed
      • press the thigh into the abdomen
      • slowly release in the reverse order
      • repeat with the other leg
    • This asana is excellent for indigestion.
    • It's a great stretch for 
      • the abdomen
      • the hips
      • & the thighs
        • leaving the lower body
          • toned 
          • & supple. 
    • It helps in relieving back pain,
    • & has a substantial impact on the pelvic joints. 
    • You'll already have started to notice that the exercises seem to occur in pairs. 
    • Most exercises
      • are complimentary
      • reversing the stretches of the previous excersize
      • working on the complete set of muscles on each body part.
  • [Setu Bandasana (The Bridge Pose)]
    • Setu Bandasana. The bridge pose.
      • bring your legs together
      • & your arms to your sides
      • now slide your feet toward you
        • as close to your buttocks as possible
        • with the soles remaining on the ground
        • so that your knees are pointing toward the ceiling
      • grasp each ankle with the respective hand
        • keeping your soles flat on the ground
        • & holding onto your ankles
          • lift your pelvic region off the ground
            • while breathing in
      • tuck your shoulders in
      • make sure that you're well balanced
      • once in the final position
        • breathe normally
        • hold for as long as comfortable
      • exhale
        • & slowly return to the ground
        • stretch your legs
        • & relax
    • This is an excellent workout
      • for the muscles of
        • the back
        • & the hamstrings
    • because it directs blood to the brain
      • it is very effective for combating
        • depression
        • stress
        • & insomnia
  • [Kativakrasana (The Spinal Twist on the Back - variation)]
    • Kativakrasana, the spinal twist on the back.
      • From Shavasana
        • bring your legs together
        • & your arms to your sides
        • place the arms
          • alongside the shoulders
          • perpendicular to your body
        • with a distance of about 2 feet between your feet
          • raise your knees
            • & leave the soles of your feet on the ground
        • press your lower body to the right
          • attempting to get both knees to touch the ground
          • while turning your head all the way to the left
        • hold
        • slowly come back to the center
          • with your knees
          • & your head
        • repeat for the other side
      • This asana gives you a great stretch
        • all the way up the body
        • & your spine in particular
      • it is great help with:
        • the neck
        • & back muscles
      • & is excellent for the stomach
      • it's particularly effective in fighting the fat around your waist
  • [Naukasan (The Boat Pose)]
    • Naukasana. The boat pose.
      • From the base position on the ground
        • breathe in deeply
        • raise both legs up
          • trying to bring them up as high as possible
        • raise both arms
          • keeping them straight
          • attempting to reach toward your toes
        • attempt to bring your body as close to a 45 degree angle as possible
          • without bending your knees
            • or your elbows
          • breathe normally
            • hold
            • gently exhale as you release
          • take particular care that you avoid any jerky movements while exercising this asana.
    • Naukasana is one of the asanas that is excellent for fighting the fat around your waist
    • it's very good for the stomach
    • as well as stretching
      • the back
      • & the leg muscles
    • it also helps in regulating kidneys
    • it's very helpful in cases involving
      • diabetes
      • & dispepsia
    • it also improves concentration
  • [Chakrasana (The Wheel Pose)]
    • Chakrasana. The Wheel pose.
      • while lying on your back
        • bring your knees up
          • & your feet as close to your buttocks as possible
            • soles of the feet on the ground
          • spread your legs so that they are shoulder-width apart
        • lift your arms
          • bend your elbows
        • bring your hands to the ground
          • so that your fingers are touching your shoulders
            • with palms on the floor
        • breathe in
        • slowly using the force of your hands & legs
          • push yourself up
            • until your body is fully extended
              • in an inverted U
                • & you are standing on your toes
          • feel the blood rush to your head
          • & your lungs expand & fill up
          • hold for as long as is comfortable
          • breathe out
          • & let yourself down slowly
    • Chakrasana literally translates as the wheel posture
    • this asana primarily focuses on the spine
      • giving it a complete stretch top to bottom
      • and because of the spinal stretchstretch
        • the posture works on the nervous system
          • but also works on the chest
          • opening up the lungs
          • helping in deeper & momre controlled breathing
          • it is excellent for the stomach
          • & because of the increased blood flow to the lower back
          • helps in regulating kedneys
          • it is excellent for the heart as well
          • because it stretches the aorta
          • it also obviously tones and builds the muscles on the hands & the feek

Shilpa Shetty's Yoga 01 Intro & Om Chanting

SS (Shilpa Shetty)
NN (Narration)
My yoga trainer once said something to me, that made a lot of sense.
He said: "We are all disintegrated. Yoga integrates us."
I understand that now.
I'm an actress; let's face it: bodies are important.
It's not the joyride everyone imagines it to be.
You really have to work hard towards maintaining yourself.
buhwuhpeal doesn't help.
I'm very very grateful to God for all the opportunities I've had.
But my life right now? It's complete & utter madness.
I don't know whether I'm coming or going.
And I've forgotten what sleep feels like.
I've been thinking there has to be a better way to live my life.
And my parents & friends, have been nudging me in the direction of yoga for a very long time.
It wasn't anything like I'd expected yoga to be.
Because yoga is a lifestyle choice.
It works on mind, body, & soul.
It... Yes, you could say it integrates you.
Because it is a new way of life.
A better way of life.
A complete way of life.
This is why we're here. You, & I.
The results of practicing yoga have been truly astounding for me.
I can tell you one thing, and believe me when I say this.
This is something I will do for the rest of my life.
'Yoga' originates from the Sanskrit root 'Yug'.
It means to bind, to join, to attach a yoke;
It also means a union or communion with the Universal Power.
Most of modern yoga is founded on the Yoga Sutras, written by The Sage Patanjali.
Dating back to about 200 BCE, The Patanjali was the first to systematize the practices of yoga.
The most directly & widely followed of the descendants of Patanjali Yoga is Ashtanga Yoga.
Which is the branch of yoga we will be following in this demonstration.
It is completely internally driven.
There are no weights.
No extraordinary diet regimens.
And certainly no religious mysticism.
There are other branches of yoga: like Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Mantra Yoga, & the higher levels of Hatha Yoga; some of which embrace & entwine the practices of yoga & religion.
These are branches of yoga that involve lifetime of devotion & study.
And inevitably follow the mastery of yoga in its most basic form.
Ashtanga Yoga takes its name from two Sanskrit words.
Ashta, meaning eight.
And anga, meaning limbs.
Ashtanga therefore means quite literally: 'the eight-limbed approach (or path)' to yoga.
Patanjali layed down eight tenets that were to be the fundamentals of the practice of yoga.
These are:
These are five abstentions: violence, lying, theft, illicit sex, & greed.
The five observances: purity, contentment, austerities, study, & surrender to God.
Meaning seat, which refers to all postures.
Loosely translated is life-force control.
It is the process of gaining command over prana: life-force or vital energy.
It primarily involves the act of breathing.
Meaning abstraction.
The reversal of the sense organs.
And using of gradual & controlled withdrawal of oneself from the world.
Meaning concentration.
An individual fixes his or her attention on the single object.
Which is meditation.
The intense contemplation of the true nature of reality.
Leading to
A super-conscious state of enlightenment.
Yoga is vast.
Far too great to be compressed, & demonstrated in an hour.
But, should you choose to make yoga a part of your life,
It will be the most fulfilling thing that many of us will ever know.
That I can promise you.
I, on the other hand, can only show you the way in.
So, shall we?
["When his mind, intellect, & self are under control, freed from restless desire, so that they rest in the spirit within, a man becomes a Yukta- one in communion with God."
Lord Krishna to Arjana,
Bhagwat Gita, Chapter 6]
My initial fascination with yoga had to do with two things.
One: I can't carry weights with me on outdoor shoots.
Two: I suffer from a terrible cervical spondylosis problem.
I've been looking for a solution for a very long time.
And yoga is one thing which I've discovered, which uses free weights.
Which means you just use your own body weight.
And the science is so old & so exact
that it has completely eliminated the risks involved
So it's completely safe.
The exercises are so specific, & superbly designed.
That it makes me feel,
Like I'm in good hands.
Yoga is the only exercise form that gives you muscle tone, & stretches you ate the same time.
You know so it gives you incredible flexibility.
And it is also the most holistic approach to life that I've ever come across.
But first, a few things that you should bear in mind, when you're doing yoga:
Is that it should be practiced in the morning on an empty stomach.
If you can't take out time in the morning & if you have time in the afternoon,
After you've finished your lunch & maybe after a couple of hours,
Then you can do it.
In the morning, I wake up, maybe have a couple of glasses of water.
And I normally have tea or coffee, & then I start off with yoga in like 15 or 20 minutes.
That's perfectly OK.
So you can have maybe a cup of coffee or tea, & you can start with your yoga regime.
Make sure that you're wearing comfortable clothing.
And when you're holding a posture, you know it's called the asana,
Make sure that you are not uncomfortable.
If there's any sort of pain or discomfort, please release the asana, but avoid jerky movements.

There will be some pain in the beginning.
But it will go away. Trust me it will.
And like they say: "there is no gain without pain."

So keep breathing normally, through your nostrils, unless directed otherwise
And what are we waiting for? Come on. Let's go.
[Om Chanting
It is said that Om was the sound that was present at the creation of the universe- the original sound that encapsulates all other sound, all language.]
It is important to start your workout in the right frame of mind, breathing correctly.
The easiest way to do this is by chanting Om.
Sit in any comfortable cross-legged posture on the ground, close your eyes, breathing normally.
Push the air down to your stomach.
Ideally, your chest shouldn't move at all.
Now breathe in deeply, & exhale, with the Om sound.
The first few seconds should be the vocalization of the O, with your mouth open.
Then close your mouth and let the "mmm" sound continue, for as long as your breath allows.
You should feel a deep vibration running through most of your skull.
Repeat thrice.
Keep your eyes closed, & remember to keep breathing normally in-between the deep breaths before each Om recitation.
Chanting Om calms you, focusing your mind inward.
[Back Asanas]



Nobody gives a shit about Bigfoot, so Fuck 'em!

First things first this program is actually impressive to me.

Because here's why...

But first, this one little thing is always on top, so I am forever "restoring" maximized instances of Chrome in order to see and navigate the rightmost quarter of my tab bar. I need to learn to keyboard command in here.
Probz the reason I am not so familiar with Chrome hot keys is coz this list is like big and intimidating.

Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+8
Switches to the tab at the specified position number on the tab strip.
(well lol I have 12 tabs open this profile this instance thou so like)
Switches to the last tab.
(yeah but what about 9-11? )

  • (pun intended just kidding)

Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+PgDown Switches to the next tab.

Ctrl+Shift+Tab or Ctrl+PgUp Switches to the previous tab.
Closes current tab.
Reopens the last closed tab.

OK so here's what I was doing:
I am forever addicted to the mobile game called Summoner's War: Sky Arena. I think it's only been for a couple months so far though. But I'm playing on my phone, my work phone, my work tablet... and especially my work PC using Blue Stacks mobile emulator.
I am farming right now in a dungeon and assaulting the Hall of Magic B2 but also I am farming for xp in 5. North Telain Forest (HARD) but also I need 2* grey Monsters to drop so I can evolve a fodder monster and use that to evolve a real monster. I am encumbered at 93/90 Monsters and I can't afford new slots. To be honest, I can, but just barely, but I'm trying to save that currency for some other shit. But the point is, I am strictly prohibited from buying any Monster with any currency at any store; OR from Summoning a Monster by any method at the Summonhenge... so I need to get 2* Monsters as drops, and then I can free up some slots and la-di-da. I'm hoping for a Maned Boar.

So, as promised, the review:
I recently downloaded Jit Bit Macro Recorder, in order,
to farm smarter, and harder.
A good macro program is a tool that:
  • Records the mouse including mouse clicks, mouse movements, wheel actions, drag-n-drop operations... An optional feature to record in relative coordinates makes a great addition.
  • Records the keyboard including hotkey combinations and shortcuts.
  • Adjustable playback speed and repeats so you don't have to automate your actions in "realtime", speed them up! Also, why limit yourself to one playback only? Record a macro and keep it running for 24 hours.
  • Binding macros to hotkeys so you always have you macros at hand when you need them. Just press a shortcut and the macro will run.
  • Visual designer that shows a recorded macro in a readable form and allows editing them
  • Different commands, not just keyboard and mouse automation - a good macro recorder can add predefined "commands" to a macro. Like "open file", "launch website", "computer shutdown", "clear clipboard" and many more
  • Debugging features - stepping through a recorder macro line-by-line, breakpoints, "play-to" and "play-from" tools, etc

The Playback and Recording Toolbar is what's in the way of my poor lonesome tabs. This program, they give you choice between top left or top right but for me is no good.
Otherwise, it's bad ass. For real, I've used like three or maybe more similar programs in the past for similar tasks and otherwise. This is it, folks. The crime deli crime. It's so fucking easy and feature rich. I would also certainly say that its interface is super user-friendly, but I've found I'm not a very good test sample because I'm so familiar with interfaces. It's the same way with spicy food. I love it and eat it frequently, but if you ask me if a dish is spicy, my mother for example would disagree half the time if I said no...

In conclusion, 

But no seriously it's really efficient. I'm farming at work on the left display while I work or blog on the main display. I have my task lists on the right monitor so that I stay on course, and now that I have the Jit Bit hook up, all I have to do at the end of a Summoner's battle is click play on the little toolbar that won't move, watch my cursor accept the reward that dropped and replay a battle on the same map, and press stop. Of course, if I go AFK, the stop button won't be clicked but a delay will suspend activity for just long enough for my team to claim victory over the next battle, and repeat ON ITS OWN HOLY ABSLL

Also, they give it to free people who blog a review, and I hope they read through them all, and this post is a new experience and they approve my free thingy but if they don't whatever I guess well here I go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

References in order of appearance:


Seriously though for fuck sake

Searching on craigslist for a house to rent can be almost exactly retarded.
I am strongly of the opinion that if the listing form were updated and modulated correctly, the search filter could and should be drastically changed to realistically represent practical search results, thus saving inordinate lots of time and energy.

CL >[iowa city] >housing
From here you can narrow your results by: 
  • number of bedrooms
  • price range
  • housing type
  • cat allowed
  • dog allowed

Home >  Computer Hardware > Motherboards > Intel Motherboards > Power Search
From here you are already one tier of specification deeper. ie This would coincide to: 
CL >[iowa city] >housing >house 
and can further narrow by:

  • price range
  • 36 additional statistics that are Intel Motherboard specific
So, boiled down to this tier, they both still allow you to sort by price range, so that option cancels out for purposes of comparison. CL now leaves you with 3 of the most basic specifications (and two are pretty much the same thing). With housing type and price range already identified, number of bedrooms is often the first thing a searching client would choose in my assumption. Now if you don't need pets allowed, all you have to do is rummage through all those search results and call the listers and drive around to the houses. Understandably, the street address isn't always listed, but the basic 3 options aren't even required fields for the lister.

I'm imagining drop-downs for the lister on CL. It would be less to type out and much more informative for the searching tennents if, say, one of the required fields was:

  • On site
  • In same building or complex
  • Hookups available
  • (Other)__________
Another shining example would be like this:

  • Number of spots included
  • Location
    • Street
    • Reserved lot
    • Off street
    • Carport
    • Attached garage
    • Detached garage
    • (Other)__________
Clearly, if the lister chooses one of the garage options, the smart form will forward this information for houses to be searchable by 'included garage'

(et cetera ad infinitum in mente)


I'm not entirely sure why this employed my time.

I've watched this before, and I know it's a great mind-mess, but I stumbled on it today and I really tripped on his first sentence; so I did a quick search for a transcript for this video and found nothing. So I made one. I started it before I realised the video was 30 minutes, but I persevered and had fun. I should add that I didn't touch the lyrical parts.
Reggie Watts - A send-off in style
So, for years, we've been thinking about consciousness in the way that we have.
And it's to my total pleasure that these things have worked out.
As mentioned earlier, we've been going through a few different dynamic changes within the organisation itself. As a director and senior fellow at the Brooklyn's Institute I can assure you, my compatriots here, that everything that you've seen here so far is just the beginning.
...So I'd like-
We talk about design often. At some point during any human's lifetime, they will use the word "design," and that's a big deal. Aside from "the," and the "a," and the "an," in various languages, design is the fourth most popular word used. Before design was constructed, we had the Mesopotamian Era.
And we all know how that was. [laughter]
So, this is-
As an ethno-musicologist, I've seen it all, you know, as they say. I've seen as much as I've seen.
And so, I've been collecting various tunes, if you will, throughout the epochs and eras. And the thing that I've landed upon, this evening, I want to share for you. This is a Lemurian song. This is a civilisation before the Mesopotamians, as many of you know. And they contained advanced technologies, we've been discussing earlier.
They had the ability to levitate and decrease the volume and mass of objects at will, utilising sequenced thought processes which entail very detailed memorisation, visualisations, et cetera.
Okay, so here's that song.
03:14 - 06:25
Thank you. I thank you all for coming here.
Poptech is without a doubt.
And it has been that way... for long enough, to be here.
And what I've learned through poptech is innumerable, immeasurable, inconsistent, constant, evading, ineffable, incongruous, malfeasant, [...], and fun.
Ok, let's do this.
07:45 - 11:16
Ok, we heard enough of that in the 90's.
Ok, listen. I  want to talk to you about a couple relatively real issues.
A lot of people wrote in on email, and a couple other forms of communication that essentially are all the same thing, but just branded different names...
That innovation is an innovation unto itself. At one point, innovation didn't exist. Someone had to create some kind of a word that created a feeling that it feels like to hear the word that we hear when we hear "innovation."
Innovation is a word that's only been around in the English vocabulary for 63 years. A lot of people don't know that, and if you did know that, that's great.

Now we all know that poverty is super easy to fix.
And using modular dynamicism, we could recreate, unfold, re-sequence, understand, and reshape the way we think of thought itself. By constantly monitoring thought itself, it will not only lead you nowhere, it will give you a headache. So try not to do that; instead, try to do something that's way outside of the box.
Like someplace that if you were to see how far away from the box you were, you wouldn't even be able to tell what that box was anymore, compared to the landscape that you're comparing it against.
Getting outside of the box is more than just getting out of a box, and walking away.
As children know, sometimes boxes are very difficult to get out of. Why is it any different for us?
Between glass ceilings, dirt floors, and boxes, we need to know that a bottom-up approach is not only an approach that starts from somewhere that we believe to be the bottom, but an approach that was painted by several painters, throughout the eages and the echopsh, that led us to understand- where can we be sometime in the future from now.
And I can guarantee you you will move at least 20 feet within the next hour. I can guarantee you that and I have algorithms that can divine and predict that, utilising movement prediction patterns, hair follicle samples that have been taken throughout the entire time you've been here, and of course, the common spectral analysis.
Now, we know that everything here is an illusion, and that we are somewhere else. But the cool thing about that is, it feels pretty real. I mean, you know what I mean? Like, it's pretty convincing. So, big credit to those people working hard there.
So, why Camden, Maine? Simple answer: because.
What does because mean? Because has a b in it, at least one c, and a couple vowels. This combination of letters and vowels together, to create a fairly pronounceable word, gives us the strength and the power as individuals, and as human beings, to seek within ourselves not only the triumph and remorse of those who have compelled against us, in a way that does not necessarily benefit us in the long term, but give us the strength at the mid-term, to show how the reversal of those roles of which we have come fairly accustomed to, let's admit that...
To aqueous and reform and re-modulate the world around us.
Internally, we're pretty gross. There's a lot of liquid and tissues and things, and it's pretty gross to think about.
So, I would like to- this is a song that I'd like to dedicate to all the gross things that we are, walking around.
And also, just a celebration, of all of you guys here. The people up there as well, let's not forget them. There's some people behind the walls as well, walking around and doing things as well, and there's some people behind here.
There's actually four people running this entire show, technically. That's it, there's just four people. They can divide into five people, per person. So there seems to be a lot of people back there, but they're all being controlled by one central consciousness.
Ok, so anyways, without further ado, this is a song, this is my- I have 1.5 songs: this song is eh...
That's not it, that's just a warm up.
Here we go.
17:24 - 20:36
Thank you.
For my last song- thank you.
Thank you. Thank you very much.

Some people talk like this.
Other people talk like this.
Some people are like this.
Some people are like that.
Some people are like this.
I don't know why they're like that.

Real quickly, I'd like to thank poptech. I'm the first person to thank poptech, but I would like to thank poptech. It's been an awesome ride. I mean like, you know, the first time I came here, I met some ridiculous people. And the second time, some more ridiculous people. It keeps getting ridiculouser.
But it's a just amazing concentration of people around you. But also not only knowing that whoever you're talking to, even a volunteer oftentimes you're talking to, a volunteer- someone who has a sign on them that says, "volunteer."
And you're talking to them, and you find out that they're like a theoretical physicist, that works at some laboratory somewhere, and you're like, "wait, what?"
So, I think that's important to realise, every person in the world, around you, is really good at something. You know what I mean? So like if this is the sample, you know, here in this kind of situation, it's kind of a special situation, but if you go out in the world, all around you constantly, there are amazing people, and you'll never know. You know? Unless they have a badge on, but like, you'll never know, unless you ask them.
And, oftentimes when I ask people things, they oftentimes will oftentimes say something often. And, the more often that I notice that they're saying things that I think they're going to say, over and over again, which we classify as often...
I feel as though there's a tranquil sunset setting in over my mind, which indicates that the world is gonna be a pretty cool place, at some point.
And then it's gonna be horrible again.
But then it's gonna be really cool.
And then it's gonna be not so good, and then it'll be pretty decent for awhile
And then it's gonna be like, "uh oh..."
And after all, that's the engine of reality.
But that gets us a little bit stronger.
So with that knowledge that I've gotten from, and an amazing DODOcase, which I still have.
I do. I do still have it. Although I did drop it once, and it had a little frame crack that I had to glue.
But anyways, the thing I'm trying to tell you here, today, stay in school. It's a good place for kids. And I know that a lot of you parents here are not into school, but I'm here to re-convince you, putting kids in school is a good idea.
Ok, well I've talked to a lot of you guys, and you're like, "I'm not putting my kids in school."
I get it. And it's super like, punk rock. I get it.
But consider it.
K. Alright, so, this is my last song. This is about- this is about love, because at the end of the day, that's pretty much all you got.
And that's an important ingredient, as we saw in The Fifth Element, and I think that we need to re-cognize all the things that influence us.
So this is my last song. Thank you again, so much, everybody.
This is always an honor to be here, and you guys always make me feel so incredibly welcome, and I actually feel comfortable now, going like, "Oh! Maybe it's not an accident I'm here." So thanks a lot for letting me blend in. I do appreciate that. Thank you.
So here we go.
K, power moves. Let's do this.
That's not it. Ok, here we go.


checmcret Blue Cars Mashup Lyrics

Step 1.) Watch this child's translation of "I had a great time when I was trick-or-treating. I had lots of makeup on my face."
I had a grat tim win i was checmcret.
I had las avi macup on my fas.
Step 2.) play this video and substitute the lyrics below.

checmcret. a grat tim win
I had las, I had las avi macup on my fas. I had 
had las avi macup 
avi macup
on my fas. I had  
las avi macup win i was checmcret... 
I had 

avi macup on my fas.
avi macup win i was 

checmcret. a grat tim win
grat tim win, win i was checmcret.
I had las avi macup 
avi macup on my fas. I had
las avi macup win i was checmcret... 
I had 

avi macup on my fas.
win i was I had a grat tim
avi macup win i was
avi macup on my fas 
win i was I had a grat tim
avi macup win i was 
macup on my  fas now

a grat tim 
was checmcret 
I had las avi macup on my fas.
had las avi macup
had a grat tim, checmcret
win i was, las avi macup win i was checmcret... 

avi macup on my fas.
win i was I had a grat tim
avi macup win i was
avi macup on my fas 
win i was I had a grat tim
avi macup win i was 
macup on my fas now, macup on my fas now, macup on my fas now 

avi macup on my fas.
avi macup on my fas.