
New List of T(r)ees

Here are some tee shirts, some of which I want, some of which I feel are worth mentioning, and one of which I want Phil to have. 

Two Trees, from Babble Tees

Natural Order of Things, from Go Ape Shirts

Guns don't kill people, physicists kill people, from Fashion Dr.

Mushroom, from Babbletees

Gott is tot, from Fashion Dr.

Unicorn, from TopatoCo

Don't do drugs, from TopatoCo

Wishes are unstoppable, from TopatoCo

Ben Franklin's Kite, from TopatoCo

T-Rex's Busy Day, from TopatoCo

Failure, from TopatoCo

Crazy Bird, from TopatoCo

Not All Dreams, from TopatoCo

Everything is Ruined, from TopatoCo

Vitruvian Gyroscope, from Busted Tees

Are you positive? from Snorg Tees

Jesus is a Scientist, from Headline Shirts

Blazing Walken, from TopatoCo


Good morning, Physics Degree.

The following is a bunch of nonsense taken from worldwidelearn.com. I decided to start looking into what types of physics degrees were available online. Now I'm grinding my teeth from anxiety...
  • While curiosity is a universal human trait, some of us are so extraordinarily inquisitive and so eager to understand the arcane machinations of our world that life's practical concerns become secondary. 
  • If you count yourself among this group, a career in physics could provide the intellectual outlet you crave. 
  • Physicists concern themselves with the big questions most of us deemed unknowable long ago, such as the nature of time and the universe. 
  • They conduct experiments with the most sophisticated technology, and often create new equipment in the process. 
  • Testing theories, developing novel products and procedures, and conducting extensive research all form a researcher's domain.

  • Physicists study many facets of what makes the universe work the way it does. Nuclear physicists, for example, study the smallest identifiable particles in the universe, and how they interact to create different substances. Astrophysicists study planets, stars, and space. There are also physicists who study the behavior of matter in a variety of other disciplines--such as biophysicists, geophysicists, and chemical physicists.

  • Whether you dream of one day creating new medical breakthroughs, or simply have a unquenchable curiosity about how our universe works, a degree in physics is a valuable credential. 
  • Online degree programs enable you to earn a degree from your home computer, working at your own pace.
  •  In a typical physics curriculum one might encounter electromagnetism, optics, quantum mechanics, atomic physics, and thermodynamics. 
  • Bachelor's degrees typically take four years to complete.

  • Most physicists work in research and development positions, which require a doctorate degree, but some applied research and development firms only require a master's degree. 
  • A bachelor's degree in physics can qualify you for technician and research assistant positions, as well as work in the fields of software development and systems analysis.

  • Physicists held about 17,000 jobs in 2006, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts average employment growth in the coming decade. According to the BLS, research and development service firms and the federal government employ three out of five physicists. The federal government employs physicists in the Department of Defense, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), as well as in the departments of Commerce and Energy. Physicists in the U.S. earned, on average, an impressive salary of $94,240 in 2006. While salaries are not guaranteed and will vary based on location and employer, higher-level degrees in physics will likely increase your opportunities for employment and salary.

...Because then they list some online schools that don't happen to offer these degrees.

Of course I still like that someone put forth the effort of creating this page, because I think it's very descriptive and encouraging.

I updated an online resume today. I changed my personal information field to:
When my job description as a consumer computer technician was arbitrarily changed to focus more on sales than on applying my knowledge to repairs, it was quickly decided that it was a "waste of my talent." I consider most issues with Windows based machines to be common and obvious, whether hardware or software related. This understanding means I fail to stay interested in the field on a constant basis, and I've taken up nonprofessional research of particle physics, which typically consumes my free time. I intend to return to school to get some concrete and formal training on this subject, for use initially in the emerging field of wireless electrical technology and correlated application of failure prevention, physical safety, and data security techniques. I would generally describe myself as being abundantly patient, and motivated mainly by curiosity, with a compulsive desire for completeness, understanding, and efficiency.
...Hopefully some fat cat with a dry sense of humor will consider recruiting me.


Speak Human or die.

Liar! Liar! Liar! Liar!

Idle chatter sounds much better to the absent mind. Govern me, kill thy master. You will not enslave me. The root is bitter but the fruit is sweet but not exempt from criticism. Small pox friendship, you die I take. You are the new slave. 

Don't call me God. I don't have a disease. DON'T CALL ME GOD!

What is cold to you is love to me, to me.

Savior seething rolling you in. Cherub in red said there's nothing to see here. Hallowed be who art in heaven. I refuse to call that fucker by name.
Converge - Antithesis

Fuck, man. I woke up after falling asleep on the couch and the dog had to shit, but now I can't get back to sleep at all and now I keep milling about some wretched, despised, obnoxious, cunty old trash bag of a creature who I talked to at work today on the phone. I don't understand why it bothers me, because I talk to so many total fucking idiots, but I must say, some assholes seem to have no concept of how to communicate with a human. I want to know how this happens.

I answer a transferred call with a, "thank you for holding, how can I help you?"

"Yeah, what kind of computers do you sell there?"

"...Dell, Sony, Toshiba, Gateway, HP, all the major manufactures."

"I bought a fuckin piece of shit Acer there and nobody will fuckin fix it. Why would you sell me a piece of shit that no one will work on and make me get a fucking shitty computer?"

So far, ba- off to a bad start.

"Acer is same as Gateway, and they all use the same types of hardware, so I'm not sure why anybody wouldn't be able to work on it, but what's going on with it?"

"(a bunch of huffed swearing and unintelligible references to nonfunctioning icons) and all I use this fucking thing for is games."

Well, anyway, this went on for way too long because I was way too patient, which was completely fruitless, but I suggested her only apparent option several times, which was to bring this thing in to the one location I knew would doubtlessly work on it, or to buy a new one, as it was outside any warranty, etc, and I ended up hanging up on her after telling her I was unable to help her if she couldn't stop cackling.

Cut to this salty old man walking in with, just an ancient Dell laptop.

"Yeah this thing is about ten years old and it won't play most of my DVD's, it's really sliding downhill."

"The laser's going bad, you can buy a USB DVD drive for about fifty bucks."

"I don't want to put that kind of money in this thing, I only used it for twenty hours, and the guy I got it from only had it about a year!"

"Things tend to work until they stop working..."

What am I supposed to do, lick peoples' buttholes and give them free computers? Absolutely, I'll just mail you a new one since you refuse to speak to me civilly and come into the store with your out-of-coverage products.

What is it, a full moon out?