
Reading interpretation

Re-find & redefine your inner child & be divine; learn & share God & Love: actively and passionately.
Help others find & to define their inner children & to be divine.
Love play learn & get to know them.
Have fun.

Put others first.
Be independent and cooperative.
Multitask & feel community in all.
Work together.

Have faith but never blind trust.
Keep watching.
Not all truth is self-evident.
Remember that others judge you.

Be patient believe know & trust in peace & justice.
Pain is a necessity for love yet is a fleeting illusion.
Lies truth honesty & reality are a necessity for the absolute truth.
Share truth.

Remember the truth.
Move forward.
Be prepared.
Learn to swim.

Create food supply sagaciously.

Take what you need & do what you can.
The only law is natural law.

Get more food.

Stay put but advance.
Keep moving & keep focus.
Overcome & understand: don't hesitate.
Act assuredly directly & deliberately.
Make it happen.

Be conscious & fair.
Humbleness over pride & consciousness over confidence.
Dethrone the unjust; discreetly & confidently.

Survive alone as messenger to the sovereign persistently.

You have to be alone.
The only one that can do it is you.
Be yourself.