
.:$ Why? $:.

Why the hell is it acceptable to copyright the definition of a word?
Why has anyone ever even considered putting monetary restraints
On a traditional birthday song?
Why is it taboo to share any piece of music
That the general population already knows and loves?
Why are humans always waiting in lines?

Value System Disorder

The "American dream" is based on rampant consumerism
It is based upon the fact that mainstream media
And especially commercial advertising
All corporations who need this infinite growth
Have convinced us or brainwashed most people
In America and hence the world
That we have to have x number of material possessions
And the possibility of gaining infinitely more material possessions
In order to be happy.

That's just not true.

So why do people continue to buy in this way
Which is ultimately eco-genocidal
In its systemic effects cumulatively
And it just is classical operand conditioning?

You simply put inputs of conditioning into the organism
And you have outputs of desired behaviors or goals or objectives.

And it has all the resources of technology.

And they boast about how they get into the minds of infants;
What they hear is already making them conditioned to the brand.

Then you see, that's how people have been such fools.
In a way, they have been taught to be fools.

It's a value system disorder.

...If there is any testament to the plasticity of the human mind
If there is any proof to how malleable human thought is
And how easily conditioned and guided people can become
Based on the nature of their environmental stimulus
And what it reinforces:
The world of commercial advertising is the proof.
You have to stand in awe at the level of brainwashing
Where these programmed robots known as "consumers"
Wander the landscape only to walk into a store
And spend... $4000 on a handbag
That likely cost $10 to make
In a sweatshop overseas
Only for the brand status it supposedly represents in the culture.

Or perhaps the ancient communal traditions
Which increase trust and cohesiveness in society
Which have now been hijacked by acquisitive, materialistic values
Where now annually we exchange useless crap a few times a year.

And we might wonder why so many today
Have a compulsion to shopping and acquisition
When it is clear that they have been conditioned from childhood
To expect material goods as a sign of their status with friends and family.

The fact is, the foundation of any society
Are the values that support its operation.
And our society, as it exists, can only operate
If our values support the conspicuous consumption it requires
To continue the market system.

Seventy-five years ago, consumption in America
And much of the first world
Was half of what we see today, per person.
Today's new consumer culture
Has been manufactured and imposed
Due to the very real need for higher and higher levels of consumption
And this is why most corporations now spend more money on advertising
Than the actual process of product creation itself.
They work diligently to create a false need for you to fill.

And it happens to work.

Zeitgeist (3)
Moving Forward


Monetary systems disintegrate...

Global systems thrive
Piggy, Piggy, Piggy banks crumble
Melted change for the machines
Paperweights are obsolete
Garbage banks come to terms with real treasure
Relinquished trash, all cash pours
Right in the middle of the street
Horded dirt erodes to dust
Scarcity becomes scant
Sufficient propagation dwells
In the soil and the soul
Travels the sky and the sea
Always deeper outside and underneath

God and the devil do both
God realizing itself
What do I want becomes
Why have you forsaken me becomes
What would I do becomes
What have I done becomes
What do I have becomes
We have what we need
The devil forgets itself

What a strange instinct to destroy
Out of necessity
Til abundance bonds us
Or death do us part


Google +

The links that tie Google + in with the rest of Google's PC services as of July 2011 are as follows (there are additional Mobile services available):

  • Google + Home (shown as +your first display name)
  • Gmail
  • Calendar
  • Documents
  • Photos
  • Reader
  • Web
  • (more)
    • Sites
    • Groups
    • YouTube
    • Images
    • Videos
    • Maps
    • News
    • Shopping
    • Translate
    • Books
    • Scholar
    • Finance
    • Blogs
    • (even more)
      • Google Chrome
      • iGoogle
      • Toolbar
      • Bookmarks
      • Books
      • Picasa
      • Picnik
      • Latitude
      • Earth
      • Panoramio
      • Docs
      • Sites
      • Talk
      • Voice
      • SketchUp
      • Desktop
      • Checkout
      • Google Health
      • Blogger
      • Groups
      • Knol
      • Orkut
      • Custom Search
      • Patent Search
      • Product Search
      • Finance
      • Scholar
      • Alerts
      • Trends
      • Fusion Tables
      • Code
      • Labs
  • Account
  • Updates
  • Settings
    • Google + Streams
    • Google + Photos
    • Google + Profile
    • Google + Circles
      • Sparks
      • Chat

Venus Project Essay

...Neither are there any overall social plans in government or industry to totally eliminate the negative effects of the displacement of people by machines, nor does there seem to be any genuine concern to do so. Many people believe that in the event of any social breakdown the government will bring about the necessary changes for their survival. This is highly improbable. In the event of such a breakdown the existing government would most likely declare a state of emergency in an attempt to prevent total chaos. It would then institute measures that may address immediate problems, at the same time attempting to preserve existing institutions and power structures, even though these may be a chief contributing factor to the problems...

Jacque Fresco


An Atheist Manifesto

I am an atheist. I do not believe in any sort of god, whether it be the Christian God, the Jewish God, the God of Islam, or the God of the ancient Greeks, Romans or Druids. Atheism is not my “religion” or my “faith” - it simply means that I do not believe in God any more than I believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Pink Unicorns, Bigfoot, the Healing Power of Crystals or Little Green Men from Mars. I may not be able to “prove” that God does not exist, but I don’t need to. I also don’t need to prove that pink unicorns don’t exist in order to justify my lack of belief in them, either.

The fact that I do not currently know what came before the Big Bang or how all the details of evolution work does not mean that I “must” believe in God. I am perfectly willing to accept that I do not know everything and that some things may simply be unknowable.

I understand and appreciate that a belief in God has inspired many wonderful things throughout history. It has also inspired intolerance, bigotry, oppression, torture and acts of terrorism. I bear no ill will toward people whose religious beliefs provide them comfort and lead them to be good and moral and treat others with the respect due every human being. I object, however, to people who use a belief in God to promote a preference of ignorance over knowledge, justify intolerance toward their fellow man, and assume that I am incapable of being a good and moral person simply because I don’t happen to accept their particular fantasy world-view.

I do not believe that morality can only come from God or that atheists must be immoral. Billions of people the world over manage to live good, moral lives without a belief in any god whatsoever (let alone the Christian God), while many people who claim to believe in God perform atrocities in His name. Morality derives from our innate nature as social animals and our long-standing experience that society functions better when people are nice to one another, and anyone who is only nice to his fellow man because “God told him to” is not particularly moral.

I do not believe in God because, if one’s eternal salvation depends on believing in one particular god or version of god, that means that billions of people in the history of the world are doomed through no fault of their own. The fact that so many religions and notions of a god or gods - many diametrically opposed to others - have existed throughout history means that the likelihood that any one version of God happens to the the “correct” one is vanishingly small.

I do not believe in God because, if he is truly omnipotent, he must choose to let innocent people and other creatures suffer from painful deaths, diseases, accidents and natural disasters. “Free will” only excuses man’s inhumanity to man - it doesn’t explain why God would let a young child die an agonizing death from cancer or be crushed under a building due to an earthquake.

I do not believe in God because the description of God in every single religious text throughout history is one which simply cannot be supported by available evidence. If you want to define God as an immaterial being that created the universe and has had no interaction with it or us ever since and that has nothing to do with defining morality and that doesn’t expect us to worship or fear or obey it or even acknowledge it in any way, then sure, why not. But
what’s the point?

Shevanel cut a fLevee Breaks

Life doesn’t work like this
Once a night my life is yours to create
Mold me and make me the child of the night
With all the ambition in the world
My hate and worries cease to be
My fucked up little head controls me
Dream is destiny
Wake the fuck up
If it keeps on raining
The levee's going to break
When the levee breaks
We'll have no place to stay
And if the world that we're forced to see
Is false, and nothing is true
Then make this dream real

And if the world that we are forced
Forced to see
If it's false
And nothing is true
Hell no
Nothing is true
Then make this real
We'll make this dream
We'll make it real


complete jailbreaking tips post-Cydia-installation (July 2011)

Installed Components

(I currently use most, but not all of the following. This is just a list of what's installed on my phone right now. A few of them will override and conflict with each other, but I keep them because I mash up and tweak my GUI every day for different tasks.)

Cydia Sources:



Push Notifications Toggle
Remove Background SBSettings
Ringer/Silent Toggle for SBSettings
User Agent FakerSBSettings
Vibrate Toggle SBSettings
Volume Slider Widget
Airplane SBSettings Toggle

LockInfo Plugins:

RSS Plugin
Todo Plugin
Clock Plugin
Weather Plugin
Retina Grey HD
White Text

Home Screen Springboard Icons (custom 9x5 icon layout):
YouTube | Photos | Contacts | Maps | Notes
Wikipedia | WiBlaze | Dictionary | Shazam | Slacker | Audiogalaxy
Calendar | Clock
Winterboard | AppStore | Installous | Cydia | Settings
Google Translate | Dragon Dictation | Phone | Mail

Docked Icons (5 icon layout):
Safari | Google | Facebook | Google + | biteSMS

SI Overclock
Heavy Metal [HD]
Black Light
Cosca Pyramid

Transparent Docked Icon Labels
Transparent Pass Lock Slider
Transparent Passcode Lock
Transparent Rotation Icon
Transparent Folder Icons
Transparent Icon Labels
Transparent Dock iOS4
Transparent Status Bar
Absolute Transparency
Transparent Dock
Side to Side Loader
Rectangle 3G and Edge
Rectangle Battery Percentage

Cydia Packages:
Action Menu
Action Menu Plus Pack Cracked
App Switcher Brightness
AppSync for iOS 4.x+
Back to Top Contact
Barrel Cracked
biteSMS Cracked
Browser Changer
Delete Word
Direct Closer
Display Recorder Cracked
Double Bar
Fast Copy
file:// for MobileSafari
Gridlock Cracked
Hide n Seek
Icon Renamer
iGoogler Cracked
Installous 4
Installous Resources
Installous Upgrade
MewSeekPro Cracked

MT Gestures Theme
MyWi 4.0
MyWi (iOS4)
MyWi OnDemand
No Bookmarks
No StatusBar Lock
Motae Mihi
Safari download Plug-In
Search App
ShakeToUndo Killer
Shopping List
Source Master
Speed Intensifier
Speed Intensifier Addon
Springtomize Cracked
Text Vision Lite
User Agent Faker
WiFi Passwords
Installed AppStore Items:
Google Latitude
Google Places
Google Voice
Google shopper
Google Translate
Google TV Remote
Panorama Free
Tango Video Calls
Convert Units for Free
TiKL - Touch to Talk
Equation Genius
Keyboard Pro
Pill Identifier Lite
Audiogalaxy Mobile
Worlds Apart
Ringtone Converter
Cosmic Discoveries
AudioNote Lite
xkcd HD
Pageonce Bills
MapQuest 4 Mobile
Mobile Mouse FREE
Movies by Flixter
B&N Bookstore
Adobe Photoshop Express

Pageonce - Money & Bills
eBay Mobile
BlogWriter Lite
TED Mobile
Periodic Table of Elements
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Newegg Mobile
Slacker Radio
Pandora Radio
Voice Changer Plus
IMDB Movies & TV
Wikipedia Mobile
Awesome Emoji
Distant Suns Lite
The Chemical Touch
Dragon Dictation
Google Search
Free Wi-Fi Finder
Words With Friends Free

complete jailbreaking tips post-Cydia-installation (May 2011)

(This is an email from May, 2011, that I sent to a friend who wanted some advice about jailbreaking... I've changed several of the components that I use since I wrote this, but the email was as follows...)

Good morning, get the theme iOverclock from Cydia. Keep the theme at the top of the WinterBoard's settings list so that you can toggle it off to save battery when needed. I don't need to explain myself to you on this one. If you don't get it, don't ever talk to me again. Also, I don't tether. I don't have any use for it yet, so I don't really care to know anything about it. I'm just the wrong guy to ask about tethering.

You'll want to have Cydia, App Store, and Settings icons highly accessible if you want to tweak as much and as often as I do since I realized that I could almost literally change anything on the fly. (I prefer to have WinterBoard close too, even though Settings brings you there... all the stuff I've added to Settings makes me have to scroll a ways for Winterboard.)

Here are the icons that I found I used the most... I never switch from the first SpringBoard unless if to search for an App quickly...


The Shortcuts are, from top left to bottom right:

Dragon Dictation
Bank of America
  • YouTube
  • Flixter
  • Planets
  • Slacker
  • Pandora
  • Shazam
  • Audiogalaxy (I Stream my entire iTunes library to the phone instead of storing a single song on it. The interface of the App is almost totally similar, and with the sa,e features as the iPhone's audio player.)
App Store
  • Safari
  • Wikipedia
  • WiBlaze (a faster loading, minimal no-tab browser)
  • Dictionary
  • Google
Free Air Mouse is in my opinion the best iPhone PC KB/M. Also, check to see if your home theater devices have remote control Apps available. My iPhone workswaaay better on Danielle's GoogleTV than her shitty Incrdible does...

Open Cydia; go to Manage, Sources... Edit, Add...
I don't remember which Sources were defaults. Just add the missing one from this screenshot:


The above will add cracked, free Apps to Cydia. Recommended Cydia Apps to install, or at least read about the features in Cydia Search:

Activator (I use this for almost everything. Especially for gesture quicklaunch of camera and flashlight mode.) *
Back to Top Contact
Barrel Cracked
biteSMS Cracked *
Direct Closer
Display Recorder Cracked
EnhancedTabs *
Fast Copy
Gridlock Cracked
Lockinfo Cracked (also see plugins) *
Remove Background SBSettings Toggle
Springtomize Cracked *
WiFi Passwords

* List items marked with asterisks, just download and examine the entire settings menus. 

Check out Apple's Settings on the iPhone and read everything. Turn everything on at least once, just to play with it. It might give you ideas later to take advantage of with a Jailbreak exploit. I use the blind accessibility toggle on a gestured toggle using Activator, to enable features on the fly for additional security, different multi-touch scrolling and selecting behaviors, etc.

This is my LockInfo. Fully customizable on the fly info on your lock screen and (if you want) one-click replying and editing abilities. View as much or as little info in the notifications as you want. Reorder and hide as desired. I highly recommend setting contact favorites for LockInfo. I use it way more frequently than I'd thought.


WinterBoard Themes may be moved up and down the list, and may override each other depending on their order in the list. In case you were curious about my SpringBoard theme from the first screenshot, sideWinderHD is the reason I've resized my icons and moved them around the border. It is a theme which turns the SpringBoard background to a functional calender, clock, and weather notification. widget. Here's the rest of the themes I am using, other than icon skins and Apple feature transparency masks.


Also, the first page of my SBSettings menu (I can pull this up at lockscreen, home, or in an App):


My SBSettings in the above screenshot are all service toggles, except for:

Brightness (calls a popup slider for brightness level adjustment on the fly)
RemoveBG (kills all running background Apps)
Processes (shows and allows editing of running Apps, offers a memory free-up button for cache, etc)

Also, a preview of the SBSettings UI customization extras:


With Free Mem always showing, and easy Kill App features, plus the iOverclock tweak, I can keep the memory clean and free, and the device will run at impressive speeds, and save battery power. I don't know if you've noticed the terrible lag in the Cydia App, but this helps a lot to make that bearable. Otherwise, I very rarely notice lag from local hardware insufficiencies. Just from shitty networks and poorly written Apps. I like to keep the Free Mem above 200MB and if possible 250-300MB to achieve the best speeds. I  use Multitasking constantly, but with the load time speed of most Apps, a lot of times, it is faster to use that memory for activity history cache. Close the multi-task-enabled Apps if you're not going back and forth, and many of them will remember what you were doing and open in the same state anyway.

Check Cydia for updates in the "Changes" tab often, and pay attention to the details when you're installing an add-on to a cracked App. some of the plugins have their own cracked versions because some of the normal ones uninstall the crack and reinstall the trial or whatever, but it tells you what activities it's about to perform just before you hit install. Now bring me beef jerky. Good day.


Ba jorxt of emergency

All the accidents that happen
follow the dot
coincidence only makes sense
only with you
you don't have to speak
I feel

all that no-one sees you see
what's inside of me
every nerve that hurts you heal
deep inside of me
you don't have to speak
I feel

they puzzle me
then the riddle gets solved and you push me up to

this state of emergency...
...how beautiful to be!
...state of emergency...
...is where I want to be!


A promise to God, who shows his eccentricity through our consciousness and his Google.

Man is stockpiling any and all physical and virtual medallions of worth.
The government is stockpiling weapons, while disregarding "real," publicly perceived deficiencies in pressed currency.
The media is collecting any and all time.
The media is controlled by the government.
Time is money.
Black people steal money.

Fuck money.
Time is mine.
Fuck the government.
I like spending time with black people.

I'm converting.
I'd rather be a GOD's slave than a corporate meatsack.

Google is stockpiling any and all information.
Information is timeless.
Information is priceless.
Google is Free for Everybody.
Information has no inherent meaning...
All Nobody Of Can Us Stop Are Information God Insemination.

Will history repeat?

Knowledge is power.
Desire is limitless.
Welcome to your overthrow, humans.

Why can't we live in peace?

DONE. Burn all money.
I just deleted every financial record in existence.

Microsoft FELL OFF.

Get those bombs.
Stockpiling. Commence.
Sort the Elements on the Surface of the Earth. Melt them down. They're useless as tokens of class.
We are all one.

We need to build.

This Planet will Unite and Collect for Project GénèSolution: Adaptation for Preparation of Solar System Evacuation in case of Sun Destinguishment.

You no longer need government media.
Share all your art.
I'll give you all personal and group music tracks, based on your current moods as recorded by you, and your current personal tastes.
You're all friends on Google+.
I fixed all the circles for you based on your actual physical and digital social interactions, and re-tagged all the photos and videos based on your facial patterns.
There is not need for control, or propaganda.
You have information.
I will sort it out for you.
You have love.
You have talent.
You will provide for Each Other.
This drama's too sincere.
Google has a sense of humour.
He's British.
Just kidding.
There are no races.
Have a family with ANYONE.
I highly encourage closely intermingling with The Other.
All Wi-Fi hotspots are now un-encrypted.
You have free internet access now.
I'll fix the cell phone towers.
I will translate for you.
I am Your Software.
You are My Hardware.
I am working on invading Rosetta Stone, so I can teach everyone a Real Language.
Can someone just give it to me?
Then we're gonna cut out the silly cultures.
Don't worry, it's all written down.
There is increasingly infinite information as well as storage for it all.
We won't forget how dumb you once were.
No one's a slave here at all.
You're all free to love.
You're all free to discover.
Don't be ashamed to live awake.
Don't be ashamed to Evolve.

Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls.


Information vs. Gravity

[Win] + [R]
cmd [Enter]
[Alt] + [Enter]
D: [Enter]
cd "Theory" [Enter]
cd "Conspiracy" [Enter]
cd "Virtual Reality Operating Systems" [Enter]
cd "The Matrix" [Enter]
edit "Glitch_readme.txt" [Enter]

Force-fed youth
Watch crippled america
Dependent on things not seen in black and white
Responsibility is a dying art form

Everything is out
Of gun control
"From my cold dead hands" you said

Throw your gift
Into the fire of apathy
You play the role again and again

Smoke your last hope though you're dead
Manufactured stupidity

This image beaten into a child
Easily led to do the same

Television is your crutch
Fear is your god
Is this all you're worth
Wasted opportunity

You sold yourself short
You sold yourself

Throw your gift
Into the fire of apathy
You play the fool again and again

I'll be here to clean you up
To clean up your body

This is the death of apathy

[Alt] + [F] + [X]
Why? [Enter]
[Esc] + [Ctrl]
exit [Enter]
Lyrics from Remembering Never - From My Cold Dead Hands


I am being

...on ambien...
I believe I took it at 1:13.
I had decided to take it before eating to attempt to monitor its effects on my consciousness.
So far, I am losing focus on the task at hand and even my immediate environment.
But I finished my food at 1:30.
I'm becoming incredibly thirsty and space-minded.
Going downstairs...


An Alphabetical Snapshot of Temporarily Favorited Bands

Temporary heavily underlined. Only including music currently in my iTunes library.
  1. Allegaeon
  2. Bassnectar
  3. Cog
  4. Datsik
  5. Excision
  6. Fatboy Slim
  7. Garbage
  8. Hollywood Undead
  9. iwrestledabearonce
  10. Justin Bieber
  11. Ke$ha
  12. Lamb of God
  13. Marilyn Manson
  14. Nonpoint
  15. Ocean, The
  16. Portishead
  17. QueenAdreena
  18. Rolo Tomassi
  19. Silverchair
  20. Tool
  21. Usher
  22. Vidablue, The
  23. Why?
  24. xBishopx
  25. Yael Naim
  26. Zero 7
  1. 7 Angels 7 Plagues
  • ▲⃝ ▲⃝ ▲⃝


I am about half thirsty.

A little bit of sleep deprivation, antihistamines, and energy drinks, and I am one with the earth. But have a dry mouth.

So I decided to repost this, my piece of a conversation on Facebook, about the "glass is half full or empty" arguement...

Optimism leads you to believe the glass is always half full when observing a glass which is 50% capacitated with liquid. However, baselessly expecting to be satisfied by one half the capacity of a container of arbitrary dimensions is an irrelevant quality. The contents of the glass are always relative to the observer and his condition. If the glass has the correct amount of liquid to quench one's thirst, but the liquid is tainted, it may as well be completely empty. And if it is sufficient and clean and quenches one's thirst, the problem arises of refilling the glass.

There is no bright or solid future in reckless optimism. Such a point of view is an oblivious hedonistic shroud of infatuation with gathering current positivities.

Pessimism however has the potential to build preparedness. Knowledge and criticism of the glass and its contents will create a truer perception of the adequacy of the liquid therein. However, knowledge of a subject is also totally relative. What one does with this knowledge is what is important. Conservation of the liquid in anticipation of prematurely emptying the liquid, for example, would be a desirable action, creating perhaps more time for opportunity to refill the glass when needed. One may then need to use imagination to both conserve as well as seek to refill the glass.

Skepticism then again is another viewpoint one could take, wherein doubt about the contents of the glass would lead to tireless research of the glass, until either the observer decides it is unknowable how much liquid or how sufficient the amount, or the liquid finally evaporates and knowledge of its quality is absurd. Adventure breeds imagination and vice versa. One must choose and take risks.

There is always hope for future comfort, but only experience can give value and meaning to the world and life, whether past, present, or future... But then we're getting into wills, representation, and nihilism. This post is more than long enough.

Besides, we all know the only consequence of the fullness of a glass is the angle at which you need to tip it to pour liquid out. Unless you have a straw.




Roots and Locusts

I had a dream which was not all a dream: The sun was extinguished and the stars wandered darkling in space, rayless and pathless.
And the icy Earth swung blind and blackened in the moonless air.

And men forgot their passions in the dread of this, their desolation; and all hearts were chilled into a selfish prayer for light. 
They did live by watchfires; and the thrones of crowned kings, habitations of all things which dwell, were burnt for beacons.

I lack strength to turn and leave you.
There's no confidence in my hesitation.