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Justin, I think you'll like this a lot.


Dream Diary: 10.10.09

Woke up at 9, knowing I wasn't getting up.
Slept until 2 or so, sick from work, and from that, I don't remember anything by now.
Blew my nose a lot.
Looking at Chrome history, looks like I was online from 2:50 to 4:12, doing normal bullshit. Posting, dicking around on facebook talking to people.
Got sick of being in bed, made myself get into the cold from the nice warm covers.
Ate some chicken soup, a shot and a half of Nyquil, and some beef boulion, watching dull TV.
5:02 to 6:09 was spent in bed online again, this time looking to be entertained.
A link led me to 5 Ways To Hack Your Brain Into Awesomeness.
I looked more into Uberman sleep, and the home sensory deprivation hallucination trick, both of which I'd read about before. Also looked into lucid dreaming and dream diaries. +Started to get Nyquil-y.
I decided to give in and fall asleep for awhile, but as this did not happen, I got the strong urge to listen to The Oak Street Dixtane Vacancy, the CD a friend and I had recorded in highschool, consisting mostly of nonsense and noise. I had a copy two steps away and popped it in, unexpectedly laughing uncontrollably through pretty much the whole listen.
I decided I'd try to hallucinate. But I swear I'd remembered pink noise was more effective than white noise (see #4 in link).
At 6:53, I downloaded a pink noise loop, put on some headphones, and covered my face from the light.
The whole time, I wished I had a ping pong ball and a red light, and grew slightly bored and annoyed, but eventually saw drab, dark swirls and visuals. Very slight. I was concentrating on the sound, making out chanted words which kept changing with my thought pattern, but still boring. Then I let go of the concentration, almost thinking I would drift off to sleep, and had some visuals of a distant waterfall, an island, some bullshit, and I was starting to just drift from vague train of thought to another, but suddenly, and this started to happen periodically after this point, I would get an abrupt sensation. Not a visual or audio hallucination, but more of a, "you're not fucking thinking logically, stop right fucking now" sort of thing. Just happened in a flash, and I ignored it and kept tripping immediately every time.
Still, nothing was remarkably interesting.
I don't know how long I was listening to this stuff, but I eventually decided to go to sleep completely.
I don't remember falling asleep very quickly, but I suppose I could be wrong.
I woke up at about 10:30 and wrote this:

in realilizing that today was wednesday, i realized that i had not missed work after all--i had missed thanks giving with thte family. which made me consider: would i have felt decent enought to get out of bed after all, had i known it was family dinner, and not work that awaited me? i couldn't decide. so i finally went downstairs, and got a baggie of turkey meat that phil had from dinner. naturally, our families had merged to celebrate thte holiday.

carrying the bag of poultry, phil and i walked from muscatine, my grandmother's house, but with a different front deck, past all the businesses, conversing about various hiding spots in parking lots, to wilton, to the old house to eat a late supper with my parents. i took off my socks at the door and floated head first to tthe kitchen, emptying my bag of meat onto a plate that waited on the table, my parents sitting waiting to eat, each with a plate ready. i had this nagging reminder keep telling me to go to the fridge to get side dishes and heat them up, and i could taste them already, but started eating my turkey anywayt. iit was warm from holding it all that way, but it was pretty tough and rubbery from the walk. tasted decent though, i suppose.


You've got to sell your tool.

Here's a car that I made. Or a computer. Or a case of energy drinks. Here's what you can do with it, and here's why you have to have one.

The vein I'm really thinking in- is the push to sell a product, but with what is flagrant inattention or apathy towards the complication of your profit. Trashing the earth. Enslaving the population. Standardizing inadequacy. Fuckin dollars.

And by this I mean: packaging methods for food products (for example. also consider personal transportation methods) is extravagantly wasteful, even destructive, but it's everyone's obvious benefit because it makes shopping for and keeping food (read as: living) totally convenient. Abundant. People are wholly willing to pay for this apparent luxury. In fact we've finally built a society structured to maintain, even mandate this. The forced addiction to new inventions is constantly expanding. I never had a personal computer, nor did my friends, pre-middle school, yet today I "help" clients who swear their poor bastard children will fail school if they have to go without their machine for a couple of days. Mom and Dad, are you forgetting what school was like? Do you remember that you too took notes, yet did not have a computer to do so? Do you remember marking a calender to remember dates, and how that was totally effective? There is a slim chance you ever thought this was hard or inadequate, or that your notes, work, calenders, contacts, music, photos, and blah blah blah had to be at your fingertips, at all times, and if you somehow lost them, someone owed you for your fault of not backing them up or taking care of them. Christ, you should be so lucky.

But what seriously bugs me, pollution and bratty addicts aside, is that we get used to using the tool, and should someone find a better way; should someone tweak and double effectiveness of a product; or should someone realize that since 300 million people, just in his country, were fuckin up the atmosphere, and he found a way to keep the tool and ditch the fuel, he might be assed out, because no one wants to change. Individuals cant afford switching to a new car, the government takes real convincing to even try to ease in the product over a decade, so they can regulate it, etc, and the companies who maintain and manufacture the old tools raise their canes for obvious reasons. Slave to the job, shackled to the dollar, using up the landscape on old technology.

I may be some fucking internet addict too, but this is why i have no interest in shit like Blackberries and iPhones, among other things. It's a waste of inventive power. It may make it more convenient, but I fail to see real benefit to humanity. I hate computers for the general population... which I service for a living. Because of this, I see that even though they cry out for immediate help, thinking they can't go without their junk, they don't need it. Don't even know how to use it in most cases. Of course, I'm happy to help, and willing to teach, but I'm there after all to make the company money. Not to change the subject- I work with a lot of tools literally and figuratively. And I love my job, and would hesitate to change it for a different scope of work, but man god, it's gonna feel good to quit.

On a lighter note, I'm off sick.


This makes me rage

Brain Chip May Help the Blind See

An aid in epilepsy, paralysis, and blindness, so says the article. Manipulate computers or prosthetic limbs with nothing but thought. Back up memories and/or thoughts to a physical hard drive. Call information from the internet by pondering it. This has unknowable potential.

And the first sentence of the article implies that our time shall have been spent more valuably finding ways to find and no doubt punish "terrorists." It's this kind of thinking, in my humblest of opinions, that is most likely to lead to the complete relinquishment of freedom. We could use it to correct and better ourselves and the quality of life, but would rather track every individual's behavior and even thought. Let's control their every nature; that should make them happy.

I'm not saying everyone should have the right (notice I didn't say choice) to do whatever they want with total disregard to their surroundings (notice I didn't say the law). Morals should be natural. Taught, certainly. Corrected, maybe. But not forced. Not so that every mundane thought and action is scrutinized, monitored for noncompliance to the almighty norm, hoping to force inaction due to fear. We'd have no spice. No art, no heroes... no release.

Maybe I'm paranoid. Maybe I'm sick of hearing about terrorism. Maybe I should be hunted.


Time for another Alphebetical List

from Yahoo! Answers. I'm going on a hunch that it will be interesting. here's hoping!

I'm going down the list of topics, choosing an appealing question, then listing the coolest answers. Relevance not considered. That's not what Yahoo! Answers is about!

A.) Arts & Humanities > Philosophy
What can we be certain of in life?
Death, Taxes, Uncertainty, Change, Numbers, That if we try to take the shortcut for homework assignments by asking others on Yahoo Answers we will suffer the consequences, The Eternal Triumph of Human Stupidity.

B.) Beauty & Style > Skin & Body
What Disney tattoo should I get?
Rule 34 (Disney character porn), Hakuna Matata, There's a snake in my boot!

C.) Cars & Transportation > Boats & Boating
What do you do once you buy a boat?
Buy a trailer, Throw your money away, Learn boating safety, Go boating, I'm On A BOAT!

D.) Dining Out > Fast Food
Why, WhY, O WHY do people think we fast food workers are stupid?
Mexicans don't speak English, You are rude, They are rude, People feel they're better than you, I appreciate you.

E.) Education & Reference > Homework Help
I need to stay up all night to do my home work. how do i do that?
Coffee, Nodoze, Sugar, Determination, Willpower, Redbull, Monster, Exercise, Chocolate, Pizza, Soda, No TV, Splash of water to the face, Adderall, Cold Shower, DON'T!

F.) Food & Drink > Beer, Wine, & Spirits
My parents went to bed. Should I get drunk??
By yourself?, Are you of age?, Wake them up and ask if it's ok, Go for it, YES, NO, DON'T!

G.) Games & Recreation > Video & Online Games
I'm 28 and addicted to video games. I need to find a substitute recreational activity. Suggestions?
Smoke weed, Play sports, Masturbate, Movies, Books, Get married, Wii, Drink, Learn an instrument, Buy a motorcycle

H.) Health > Mental Health
I need an excuse for cuts on my body? (I cut myself on my wrists legs ankles and thighs)
Climbing a tree, Thorn bush, Fell down in gym, The truth, You need help, Dog or cat, Bike, Here's an excuse: you crave attention, DON'T

L.) Local Businesses > US > NYC
How can a 13 year old girl make money? (to buy Sims 3)
Hooker, Lemonade stand, Whore, Sell gum, Wait a year, Sell your stuff, Street walker, Babysit, Walk dogs, Steal, Beg, Sell a kidney, Bake sale, Sims 3 sucks

N.) News & Events > Media & Journalism
Is Fox News a terrorist organisation?
You have no proof, Yes, No, Fox News sucks

P.) Politics & Government > Politics
If Humans didn't EVOLVE from Apes, then why do we still eat bananas?
My dog/cat eats bananas, They taste good, They are gross, People eat anything, Insects eat bananas, That has nothing to do with it, I don't eat bananas I use them for other things, Why do we eat fish/carrots/shrimp, To keep the illegals employed, ...Your line of reasoning is compelling to be sure. It is a known fact in the zoological community that all apes eat nothing but bananas. Donkey Kong eats nothing but bananas, Curious George: bananas. Have you ever seen a monkey NOT eating bananas? Me neither. It's time that these so called "religious" people recognize that evolution happened! The proof is right there: PEOPLE STILL EAT BANANAS! Quit turning a blind eye to the fact that monkeys transmogrified into humans BECAUSE of the mutating effects of bananas!

S.) Science & Mathematics > Mathematics
What is the number before Infinity?
Infinity - 1, Infinity isn't a number it's a concept, 437, 3, All numbers are zero to infinity, prefinity, The symbol for infinity is 8 so I'm guessing 7

T.) Travel > Air Travel
If a pregnant woman happens to give birth on an airplane, will the baby get a free tickets for his/her life?
No, They should, Pregnancy is not allowed on planes, It would not survive

Y.) Yahoo! Products > Yahoo! Answers
CLICK HERE NOW!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!? (what power would you have)
Invisibility, Time travel, Materialize money, Shoot spaghetti out of my fingers, Be made of rubber, Flight, Telekinesis, Shape shifting, Walking through walls, Be a pop star, Be god, automatically put everyone's question in the RIGHT category.......AND If it were me I would...Repost this question in the category- Entertainment and Music Sub category- Polls and Surveys

Whew! That was annoying.


I just took a quick shit.

For these shits, in knowing they will be, I have the perfect personal reading material, received as a gift almost a year ago at Christmas. Einstein in His Own Words. It's a small book, riddled with illustration, and mostly huge print. A quote, a note, some info, and then some more.

I am ever becoming slowly, yet so very rapidly intoxicated by it. I read it in very small doses, and it is enough, every time. Then I don't largely crave it, for it has no plot, yet I know it is always there for me, should I have to have a short sit.

It is profound for me to have just read, among other things, a telegram sent to Einstein by a Rabbi:

Do you believe in God? Stop. Prepaid reply in fifty words.

I go now to read more Alice in Wonderland.


Just a note to self

about my taste for Protest the Hero, who I'm listening to again now. It's annoying. This song I very much like though. Spoils.

Pic unrelated.


Regarding today's schedule:

I came in to work today at 10 when we opened. Todd was already on, I'm assuming since 7, and when 45 minutes had passed after I'd gotten there and two others hadn't shown up, he started calling the guys on the schedule. (Note here that he called me, not realizing that Richart Hart on the schedule referred to me, who he'd recognized as "Rich" for like a month.)

...So I look at the schedule afterwards, and just see that he's written next to one of our colleague's name/hours for today, "JAIL"


(Sidenote here, I'm not trying to badmouth anyone, dude who didn't know my name and dude who went to jail are both pretty cool co-workers. It is a misfortune. Just sayin. The note on the schedule was funny to read.)