

You've got to sell your tool.

Here's a car that I made. Or a computer. Or a case of energy drinks. Here's what you can do with it, and here's why you have to have one.

The vein I'm really thinking in- is the push to sell a product, but with what is flagrant inattention or apathy towards the complication of your profit. Trashing the earth. Enslaving the population. Standardizing inadequacy. Fuckin dollars.

And by this I mean: packaging methods for food products (for example. also consider personal transportation methods) is extravagantly wasteful, even destructive, but it's everyone's obvious benefit because it makes shopping for and keeping food (read as: living) totally convenient. Abundant. People are wholly willing to pay for this apparent luxury. In fact we've finally built a society structured to maintain, even mandate this. The forced addiction to new inventions is constantly expanding. I never had a personal computer, nor did my friends, pre-middle school, yet today I "help" clients who swear their poor bastard children will fail school if they have to go without their machine for a couple of days. Mom and Dad, are you forgetting what school was like? Do you remember that you too took notes, yet did not have a computer to do so? Do you remember marking a calender to remember dates, and how that was totally effective? There is a slim chance you ever thought this was hard or inadequate, or that your notes, work, calenders, contacts, music, photos, and blah blah blah had to be at your fingertips, at all times, and if you somehow lost them, someone owed you for your fault of not backing them up or taking care of them. Christ, you should be so lucky.

But what seriously bugs me, pollution and bratty addicts aside, is that we get used to using the tool, and should someone find a better way; should someone tweak and double effectiveness of a product; or should someone realize that since 300 million people, just in his country, were fuckin up the atmosphere, and he found a way to keep the tool and ditch the fuel, he might be assed out, because no one wants to change. Individuals cant afford switching to a new car, the government takes real convincing to even try to ease in the product over a decade, so they can regulate it, etc, and the companies who maintain and manufacture the old tools raise their canes for obvious reasons. Slave to the job, shackled to the dollar, using up the landscape on old technology.

I may be some fucking internet addict too, but this is why i have no interest in shit like Blackberries and iPhones, among other things. It's a waste of inventive power. It may make it more convenient, but I fail to see real benefit to humanity. I hate computers for the general population... which I service for a living. Because of this, I see that even though they cry out for immediate help, thinking they can't go without their junk, they don't need it. Don't even know how to use it in most cases. Of course, I'm happy to help, and willing to teach, but I'm there after all to make the company money. Not to change the subject- I work with a lot of tools literally and figuratively. And I love my job, and would hesitate to change it for a different scope of work, but man god, it's gonna feel good to quit.

On a lighter note, I'm off sick.

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