
ok yeah i'm a blogger

As with many things, this new part of my internet hobbying life will probably explode into an obsessive time consumer, and then be forgotten quickly, and then remembered, and then seldom updated, and then have the whole process repeated. So horray! Here we are in the make-several-posts-per-day stage!

First we have the books I got for Christmas, each of which is to the left of "The Universe in a Nutshell." (Effectively pretty much doubling my little book collection.)

These are all from my mom, Sherri, and Trish. I am excited to dig into them soon! Can you guess which book my mom slid in there?

These are the DVD's what I got, from Mom, Sherri, and Phil. I'm trying to record the third season of The Universe right now, but I keep forgetting. I'm psyched to get to watch the first two now. Hell - all these DVD's! Thanks a lot guys!

This fucking html is pissing me off, and I'm angry to try and use the default editor it's giving me, but overall blog input score, I'd have to give at least an 8.7.

It does, after all, do what I wanted it to do, and without me having to code it all by hand. But I'm curious how it's going to behave on different browsers, resolutions, etc... :-\

...And this is the desk I bought for myself. I'm liking it a lot - just the perfect size to hold both my laptop and desktop tower/monitor, without taking up extra space in my room. You can see I've got my wooden model man set up. :-) Also on the left are the hamper and end table that Sherri surprised me with after Christmas. I like they.

Now I go place do things.

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