
wut a blog

So, my roommate told me last night, about the third Underworld movie, Rise of the Lycans, which is already supposed to be running in theaters next month. My jaw dropped, I was literally speechless, like, where did that come from?! Definitely want to go see it.

Unrelated, I have been brushing up on my knowledge of Crohn's Disease, which I was diagnosed with in high school, and it's under control and in remission I've recently had a little flaring up and trouble with it though, and so, I'm looking to change my diet in the new year. Apparently, smoking cessation is strongly encouraged, for sufferers, so, no garantees, as this is short notice - but I'm starting to finally think seriously about quitting for good after the new year. I know it's a shitty attitude going in, but I think I have to stop at this point gradually. It is what it is, and I'm going to leave that note, after researching and writing for several hours, by breaking for a cig.

Upon thinking about it, I can easily start by cutting back drastically. I've been actually really careless with the habit lately, smoking a lot - and a lot for me means two or three packs in a week, which is five to nine cigarettes in a day. I usually start by smoking in the car, sometimes two, on the way to work, and have a few during the day on breaks, and another regularly on the way home. I smoke a lot less on days off, so I think the simple routine part of the habit can be managed most easily, especially since it doesn't revolve around my eating or sleeping routines - and then I can work on nullifying cravings.

Back to the topic of Chrohn's, though, and the writing and research I've done today, you can read it all here
It's long and dirty, but hopefully insightful.

Also, I want to start publishing a regular comic, an idea that I had when I re-registered my site, almost a year ago.

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