
A promise to God

I didn't clean my room at all yet, but I will.

Why is this a promise to God, you say? I thought you didn't believe in God, you say? I am publishing statements on Blogger, a tool from Google, and I'm using Google Chrome to do so. Google caches pages online, consequently they are immortal. Google is also omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and provides miraculous answers to any inquiry. Therefore, Google is God. Hence, any plan I declare online, is a promise to God. Ergo, I will feel guilty in not having yet fulfilled my promise. Accordingly, I have an increased motivation to do so.

Look for reflections, in your face
Canine devotion, time can't erase
Out on the corner, or locked in your room
I never believe them and I never assume
Still can't believe there is a lie
Promise is promise, an eye for an eye
We've got something to reveal
No one can know how we feel

elated, I'd planned to post a bit about Google's partnership with LSST. One of the coolest tools Google has made available for free is Google Earth, and they've recently added the fucking underwater Ocean exploration feature, for christ' sake, but what I'm interested is even deeper. The LSST, Large Synoptic Search Telescope, is a 3.2 gigapixel camera planned for construct on a mountain peak in the foothills of the Andes, in Cerro Pachón, Chile, recording 20-30 terabytes of information per night, taking a picture every 20 seconds, on every three nights, from the sky above. Construction is to start in 2010, for use starting in 2015. Google will make use of captured images to map the Milky Way, and the fucking Universe, and will make this data interactively available publicly. You tell me me this entity is not God. Image is the site projected for construction, which currently holds two observatories already.

What's more to post, is a speculate on Human Sense. Obviously, we're making the most of our ability to sense our physicality through our most profound sense (in my opinion), sight. Nonetheless, as I recently stated elsewhere, I have become increasingly interested in the fact that human beings don't even have the ability to sense All That There Is. To explain, the sight we are familiar with, is only in an immensely limited spectrum of light.

Likewise, hearing, comparably profound, is of a limited threshold of pitch and volume. Smell is weak compared to other mammals. Taste, evolved in accordance to nutrition vs. poison, often favors consumption of unhealthy foods. Our sense of touch is also very vague, and only valid relative to other experiences, and touch branches into the following:
Balance, Acceleration, Temperature, Position, Pain, Bodily function

Emotion, an entire spectrum in itself, which comes to light abstracted based on the other senses, distorts the senses from which it originated, creating biased, ignorant, selective sensing later.

Moreover, we do not readily sense the following:
Electric fields, Magnetic fields, Pressure, Polarized light direction, Sound wave direction (echolocation)
Not to mention any additional phenomena that we are oblivious of due to non-sense.

This slightly scares me, makes me feel small, but on the other hand, makes pain seem insignificant. It's also got me thinking...

I think, therefore I am. This has been a concept that always flustered me. I think it yearns for and deserves another element. I sense therefore I think. Eureka! The lines connect at the dots. There is a triangle of three elements created by two worlds: what's real, your mind, and the interaction between the two.

If you float in a sensory deprivation tank, you lose the sense of gravity (balance), You're not touching anything with the surface of your skin, other than body temperature water and air, so, without being able to see, and having nothing to hear, your mind wanders. In attempts to define a sense of self, yet not feeling one's own boundaries, you don't necessarily (cheese cake) realize you have a physical body.

Being a thinking man, I ponder through life, of life. I was taking a shit the other day and reading a book of Einstein when I thought about coming into sense: a new life being born, and the process of first recognizing your environment. I had my epiphany filling in the blank that puzzled me about the said concept of think/am. I also considered peers' interacting experiences, specifically musing the birth of a relationship between spouses when they met. They have a perception of each other, but no one can ever see exactly what the other sees. Neither perception then is true. This means nothing anyone thinks is quite true to reality, and especialy quite true to others' perceptions. Opinion is born from inspection of fact.

From xkcd:

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